Lycan against Lycan

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       I began having weird feelings as if there were other warriors near Brent, and I felt his rage

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       I began having weird feelings as if there were other warriors near Brent, and I felt his rage. Somehow, he felt Jonathan touch me, could his Lycan be coming to the surface? I didn't feel safe with us just going in there with a hand full of warriors.

      "Johnathan, we need to have the trucks stop and our warriors get their gear and get onto planes...we need them here now not in a week." I spoke frantically.

       His eyes grew wide wondering what was wrong and why would need the warriors. Then he felt what I had felt, and he understood. Pulling out his phone he dialed Crandall he was a head warrior, he informed him of the situation and told him to get the trucks to an airport get what gear they need and load up. The planes would arrive here in hours, thankfully not days. I expected he would have one hundred warriors come, no he ordered them all to arrive here at the same time. Johnathan made another call to the airlines, happened to be one of his good friends. All civilian customers were told the flights were cancelled until further notice. Johnathan was thankful that he knew people all over, well people all over were terrified of him and what he could do.

    Johnathan could tell I was having an issue, yes, I heard Brent call out to me...I didn't answer. What am I supposed to say to him? I knew he would be so hurt and furious I took another mate, my true mate. Yes, I know he is my mate as well, even the prophies stated that. I looked to Johnathan as if to ask him if I should answer him. He slowly shook his head no...I can understand I felt warriors around him. Others could be trying to take over the pack lands, since they heard of the attack. We pulled into a hotel in a small town outside of our lands...I had never been here before. I never ventured from our pack out into the human world as you could say. My parents taught me to be proud of who and what I am, and that we do not need humans to do that. I was looking forward to going home, I would be able to get more of my things from my house, as could my father. He always had the option of coming back to his lands, but I think he feels better knowing the rest of the pack is in a strong pack, such as Jonathan's. We got rooms for a day, not that we would use them that long...but we could rest before whatever was about to happen.

    Johnathan laughed, I looked at him wondering what he was thinking. I looked in his head to see what he was thinking...he was thinking how funny it is he just conquered our pack, and now he was going to defend it. I grinned at him, as I bent down to him and kissed his lips gently. He sat on the edge of the bed looking up at me so lovely. He pulled me into him as he leaned back onto the bed pulling me with him. I squealed out as I fell face forward onto the bed. Johnathan laughed as he began trying to strip me naked, the man was always wanting...did he ever just have enough at some point. I laughed. My mate grinned at me and shook his head no, oh boy I am in trouble I thought. I was pulled into a rough kiss as he wrapped his arms around me, I could see he was tired...we hadn't slept well since the other night.

    "Please get some sleep while we wait for the warriors.... our bodies and Lycan and wolves need it. Then we will be prepared for anything. Never know today may be the day that our pack...Yes I said our...Find out that they have a Lycan Alpha's and a Lycan Luna." I spoke to him.

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