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~Sexual situation 

~Forced situation

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      Staring at Brent knowing what is about to happen, I place my hand against his chest hoping to snap him out of what was driving him

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      Staring at Brent knowing what is about to happen, I place my hand against his chest hoping to snap him out of what was driving him. My breathing became ragging with desire but fear as well...I knew he was about to claim me, to mate me. Would it be so bad? I wondered. His dominance thrilled and drove me to places I hadn't expected.

   "Brent, I don't think we are ready for this. We both know what will happen if we find our true mates, I don't want either of us hurt. Let's wait until my birthday and then we will know for sure." I babbled out.

   A deep dark chuckle left his lips as he gazed deeper into my eyes as he raised his eyebrow as if he was thinking and wondering about something at the same time.

   "Do you think I did not mean what I said back at the school? You are mine, mated or not. That is not going to change Jenna. Regardless if you find your true mate or if I am...You will always remain MINE! If you aren't with me, I will track you down and bring you back to where you belong. With ME! As for if I found my true mate, I would dispatch her...your mine as I am yours!" He spoke with pure darkness.

   I knew with that statement no matter if I did find my true mate or not, Brent would not stop until he took possession of me once again. If Brent isn't my true mate, I hope my mate is strong enough to stop Brent from taking me from him. The horror of his comment ripped through me like daggers to my heart, knowing he would kill his true mate.

   Brent climbed on top of me, hovering above me forcing my legs to move for his so he could kneel between them. My hope for being saved diminished by the second, was this really it? This is not how I pictured mating with someone, I knew like this I would fight against him even if it turned out to be futile. He was twice my size; he was much stronger than I was as well. I knew if he wanted me somewhere, he would put me there. Could Samuel's statement have driven him to this madness? 

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