Chapter 18

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The sun shone down on the small, but prosperous village. It was a crisp autumn day, with the trees filled with leaves of all sorts of colors. One leaf was blown by the wind off of the tree. It drifted peacefully in the air, twirling around and making somersaults in the air. The leaf ended it's journey by hitting a gravestone. This gravestone read:



19XX - 20XX

Dream sat and looked at the gravestone for a longtime. Blue cornflowers, George's goggles, and his guitar laid on top of it. He looked at the grave for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes. He felt chained to the grave, A part of him being left there if he broken free. Finally, Dream rise and walked towards the graveyard's exit. He turned back, one final time, then left, the first chapter of his life life beginning.

Niki was at the story, cleaning up after another customers' mess they left.

"Man," Niki sighed to herself, "I miss Findy. What happened to the Cupcake party?"

Then the door jingled, the bell in the top of the door dinging. Niki looked behind her to see Dream.

"Oh hi Dream! So.. you've decided to join?"

Putting on a little awkward smile, Dream nodded.

"Oh cool! Come in the back with me to sign the paperwork and get your apron."

"Alright then. I'll be there in a minute."

"Glad you're ok Dream," Niki said as she disappeared into the back room.

Dream, one final time, looked in the direction of the graveyard. I thought I was alone, Dream thought to himself. I thought that there was nobody in the world for me. That I'll keep up with the cycle of violence. But there's always going to be someone there for me, someone to keep me out of that one. And that person was George. And I won't take someone else's special person again.

His monologue finished, he walked into the back room, not looking back anymore


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