Chapter 4

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And just like that, for the first time in a long time, Dream turned into the prey. Antfrost was the hunter now, and right now he was playing with his food.

Stammering over his own words, Dream spat out, "Who is it? Who killed my family?!"

"Easy easy Dream. We don't know yet, but we have a good lead on it."

Then, another deliberate pause occurred, the silence killing Dream. Bad sat their awkwardly, the suspense making him uncomfortable as well, while Sapnap and Antfrost relished in it. Finally, when Dream seemed to be on the verge of combustion, Antfrost nodded towards Bad and, in immediate response, Bad pulled out files from underneath the desk, as if this whole thing was orchestrated.

Nervously, Bad explained, "Throughout these years, we've tracked down the murders based on the fingerprints found at the crime scene. We've been doing analysis, taking multiple samples on people in the vindicity. And we've finally found a match." 

Bad shuffled through the papers and took a specific one out of the pile. Dream swiped it greedily and saw that it was a document with a man on the cover.

"That's the man we're looking for."

"Well, can we go to wherever they are now?"

"That's the thing, we don't have an exact location on the man. It will require more research into it."

Sapnap snatched the paper out of Dream's hands, to his surprise. 

"We'll continue the investigation IF you do the assignment for us," Antfrost informs Dream, "Otherwise, we'll drop it completely. So what do you say, Clay?"

Reluctantly, Dream agrees to the mission. Still grimacing, Dream follows the leaders into a dirty, cheap backroom, where their soon-to-be hostage awaits.

"Dream," Bad said in a kind manner, "Meet George."

George stood in a corner of the backroom. His brown hair shined through the light coming from the window on the right. His plain white face turned into a crimson red when he saw Dream. As he waved nervously towards Dream, the dark goggles with a white outline bounced on the top of his bed. He wore a dirty blue shirt, which went with his wrinkled dark blue jeans.

"Now George," Antfrost said in a kind tone, hiding his true intentions "Dream will escort you outside of the building to his apartment. You shall, at all times, be accompanied with Dream, unless he's on a mission, in which you will be secured at a safe place in his apartment. Additionally, you will-"

As Antfrost robotically went over the rules and protocols, George did a half smile towards Dream. Dream received it and, not knowing how to react, did a slight nod towards him, and toned back in Antfrost's speech.

"-and with we, I wish you both luck, Clay," Dream perked up when he was called his real name, "Be sure to keep George safe, NO MATTER WHAT." 

Dream nodded back at him in agreement, and Dream and George went towards the exit, the beginning of a new journey coming their way.

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