Chapter 7

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"Yes", you said, not able to hide your smile because of the kiss, "I still want to quit."

Instead of moving away from him you stayed in his arms and enjoyed this feeling for a little longer. You didn't know why all of a sudden he decided to show affection towards you at work, but you surely liked it.

"Come again?", he asked confused because he didn't expect this answer.

"You know, as much as I like working in this position and... ", you told him the truth and blushed looking down, "it's too much for me. I can't keep up with this high amount of work."

"Miss Y/N, I-" "No, there's no way you can change my mind, Sir", you said stepping back and bowed to him, "I'm sorry."

"Can I please finish my sentence and tell you why I actually wanted to see you before you make up your mind?", he said chuckling and leaned against his desk.

"Um, okay?", you said confused.

"I gave you so much work to do this week because I want you to accompany me on my business trip to make the next big deal for my company", he explained and your jaw dropped, "and with all the good work you've done you're perfectly prepared for the trip. So if you still want to come, I'd appreciate it. You'd be my first choice."

"Oh my God", you said covering your mouth with your hand and then bowed deeply, "I'm so sorry, Sir. I didn't know.."

"It's okay, no worries", he said and picked up a file which laid on his desk, "about the file from today, there's one thing that isn't correct."

"Yes, I know", you said embarrassed for the way you acted and walked up next to him to look at the file. "See, right here. You mixed up the numbers", he said pointing at the chart and you nodded.

You looked up at him and your gaze lingered on his pink lips. Your heart was still pounding from your hot kiss.

"Is there anything else, Sir?", you asked trying to look into his eyes and not at his lips. But it was pretty hard considering how close you were standing to him.

"Our flight is tomorrow morning. I can pick you up at your apartment if you want and..", he said smiling sweetly, "you should bring a pretty dress."

"What's the occasion?", you asked biting your lip to make yourself focus on anything else but his lips.

"A business dinner", he answered staring at you deeply as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay, thank you, Sir", you said and turned to go sighing relieved.
"Miss Y/N?" "Yes, Sir?", you said turning back around when he called you.

"Ah, nevermind", he said shaking his head, "I'll message you the time of departure."

"Yes", you said and watched him lean back. F*ck this! In a matter of seconds you gave in and ran over to him crashing your lips on his.

He kissed you passionately back wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. You put your hands around his neck and tugged on his lower lip asking for more.

He moved his hands to the back of your thighs and picked you up. He turned around and placed you on the desk sweeping off the stuff lying there.
He stood between your legs and pushed your body against his holding you firmly with his hands. You moved your hands from the back of his head to his collar and were about to unbutton his shirt when you realised what you were doing.

"Oh God", you gasped out of breath breaking the kiss and looked into his dark eyes, "you really know how to push my buttons."

He showed off his smug grin and caressed your hips with his thumbs.

"I wanted to thank you again for taking me home that night...", you said moving your hands to his chest, "and I think you're right. We shouldn't do this. Again. I mean, we work together and -"
"You're totally right", he said backing off and you quickly got off the table, "we should keep this relation completely professional, Miss Y/N."

"Yes, Sir", you said bowing and walked to the door so you could escape this awkward situation, "I'll see you tomorrow."

The next morning he picked you up at your apartment and you drove to the airport. You were glad it was so early in the morning that you didn't have to think about what happened between you and your fear of flying because you were so tired.

But when you arrived at the airport and he drove on the runway, you spotted his private jet and panicked.

"We're not going to fly in this thing, are we?", you said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"What do you mean? This is the fastest way possible", he said stopping the car right in front of the stairs which led up to the plane.

"I don't know.. it just looks so fragile", you mumbled. "Don't tell me you're afraid of flying", he said surprised and chuckled, "you're in the best hands."

You shrugged and got out. You looked terrified at the plane.

"It'll be fine. I promise", he said handing his car keys to a driver and then took your hand. You relaxed a bit and followed him.
The inside of the plane was very spacious and luxurious. The seats looked pretty comfortable but it couldn't distract you from the fact that you were about to fly through the air in a tiny can.

"Sir, can you keep holding my hand when we take off?", you asked shyly putting your handbag down next to your seat.

"Of course, Miss Y/N", he said smiling at you. You exhaled sharply as the plane started moving suddenly. Your breathing quickened and you grabbed his hand falling back on your seat. Panic took over and you couldn't do anything.

"Sh, it's okay. I'm here", he said calmly making you scoot over so you could sit in one seat and he could hold you tightly.

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