Chapter 6

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"But whyyy?", you whined tugging on his belt impatiently, "I want this so badly."

"You may say that now, but I'm not sure if you'll think about it the same way tomorrow", he said putting your hand gently down.

"Noo, how do you know that? You're not the one to decide this", you said pouting.

"I mean it, Y/N. You're pretty intoxicated and I don't want to do anything you might regret tomorrow", he said standing up.

"But we did it once already", you stated sitting straight up.

"Yes, but you didn't know that I am your boss and this changed a lot", he said turning away.

"Fine", you said groaning and fell back on the couch, "I think you know what you're missing out on."

He chuckled and gave you a smug look cocking his eyebrow. "I'll stay a little longer. As soon as you feel better I'll go", he said sitting on the couch next to you and put on the TV.

"Ugh, you're so annoyin", you said and let your head sink on the pillow on your couch. It was so soft and the calm murmuring of the people on TV made your eyes slowly close.

Eventually you dozed off to sleep and your breathing became steadily. Jungkook noticed and took the blanket from the couch back to cover you with it.

After that he turned off the light and left your apartment.

The next morning you woke up and felt like your head was going to explode. You sat up on the couch and groaned rubbing your temples.

"F*ck, f*ck, f*ck", you cursed checking the time. You were totally late for work and you still weren't dressed. Who the hell works on a Saturday? Right, people in your position.

You quickly brushed your teeth and put on something that looked acceptable.

On your way to work the memories slowly came back and you blushed remembering what happened between Jungkook and you.

You asked yourself why he even bothered to show up at the club and take care of you the way he did. It was actually really sweet if you weren't acting like a horny teenager.

How were you going to face him today? Why couldn't you have kept your mouth shut? What must he be thinking of you now?

You rushed into your office and collapsed on your office chair.
"Hi, Seojun", you said panting and searched for an aspirin in your handbag.

"Hungover?", she asked looking as crushed as you. "Yea", you said swallowing the pill after you found it. It would take a while until it will work so you had to suffer a little longer.

"I'm sorry I left you alone yesterday", she said frowning, "how did you get home?"

"Mr Jeo- I mean, a good friend picked me up", you explained almost spilling the truth, "it's okay. Don't worry."

"Prepare yourself. We got a loads of work", she said walking over to you and handed you a pile of files.

"Great", you mumbled going through the tasks you had to do. This was the bill you had to pay for your stupid behaviour.

After an hour of working you heard the door open and you both quickly got up bowing.

"Good morning", you said in unison and you kept your head down avoiding eye contact. You were too embarrassed to even face him.

You handed him the files and didn't look into his eyes. He nodded shortly and left the room silently.

Without a word you went back to work to finish up everything you needed to do.

You didn't know what changed since Saturday but he gave you more and more work to do for the rest of the week. He even made you come in on Sunday.

Seojun noticed it too and couldn't explain why all of a sudden he gave you even more tasks than you already had. It was so much that you slowly went crazy and didn't know for how long you could keep up with such a workload.

The time passed and the idea of quitting grew inside your mind. You liked your position and you actually also liked him when he wasn't being this cold jerk.

Another day passed and you only got three hours of sleep and messed up another file because you were unfocused.
You worked as usual till the end of the day, then you would go to his office and quit.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", Seojun said worried, "maybe you can talk to him?"
Before you could answer, her phone rang and she picked up.

"Y/N, the boss wants to talk to you about the file you handed in today", she said giving you a pained look. "The one I messed up?", you scoffed and got up, "that's it. I am quitting now."

You made your way to his office and knocked on the door until he told you to come in.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?", you said bowing.
"Um, yes", he said getting up and walked around his desk to stand in front of you buttoning up his suit jacket.

"Save your breath", you said, "I'm quitting. I had enough. It's too much work for me. You win! Are you ha-"

He put his hands on your nape and pulled you towards him smashing his lips on yours cutting you off mid sentence.

He caught you off guard making your breath hitch. You supported yourself with your hands on his chest because your knees were about to give in.

He kissed you hungrily before he suddenly pulled away. "Still want to quit?"

I Kissed A Stranger In The Back of A CabTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang