"That's true, but if she's your 'friend' then why'd you think she'd betray you?" Jerome asked.

"Well that's the thing, I don't know if she would, but that's a risk i'm not willing to take" I implied firmly, moving my eyes from the messages and to Jerome's face.

"Okay, so we wait" He said simply, as if I knew what that meant.

"For what exactly?" I questioned, hastily.

"For any sign for her to slip up or plan something...like...say you wanna meet her one day.
Hide somewhere, but in distance so you can see her and if she shows up alone, she's trustworthy, but if not and she brings Jimbo and the GCPD then obviously not" He recommended, with a shrug.

"Good plan" I pondered, as I laid back down sighing.

"Don't get too comfortable yet" Jerome said, as he prompted himself up to lean against the headboard.

"What is it?" I asked, obeying and moving closer to him.

"Sit" He suggested, pointing towards his lap.

"Okay dad" I scoffed, which caused him to snort.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing how the mood has suddenly changed.

"What happened that night when Theo wanted to speak to you, alone?" He posed, seriously.

I felt myself sighing and turning away from his sight, that was until he grabbed me by my chin and made me look directly into his eyes. "Look at me" He said, rigidly. "He didn't do anything did he?" Jerome added on.

"No, nothing like that. He just said some stuff which made me question a few things, that's all" I stated coolly.

"There's more to it than that, I saw how you looked and acted when you got into the car, he clearly said something which bothered you. Did he not?" He appealed, rightfully.

"He did" I nodded, unsurely.

"What was it? because whatever it was, was eating up that brain of yours" He joked, as he tapped the side of my head playfully.

I shooed his hand away and sighed. "He just said that he would hate to see me with a broken heart and that you might not be around for much longer" I admitted.

Jerome paused and looked at me in thought, as if he was thinking of what to say next, but I beat him to it. "But that's not it" I expressed.

He nodded, signalling for me to continue.

"I think what he said had meaning, like he was hinting at something and I don't know what, but something isn't right and I think you know that" I announced.

He looked at me with a smirk. "You're right, I do know, and it's all part of my big plan" He purred, kissing my nose in the process.

"Care to elaborate on this big plan?" I insisted.

"Why of course Novey" He acknowledged.

"Theo wanted us, or well mostly me to get in on his next sneaky event, well, it has something to do with Bruce Wayne's foundation. Quite frankly I don't care. However, something major is about to go down, but it wasn't really supposed to be like that but a few days before we left, I heard Theo talking to his sister Tabitha, about something which he is going to do, i'm not going to go into details, just trust me on this. But, I just need you to promise me that whatever happens, you'll stay strong?"

"It's starting to sound like you're saying goodbye" I laughed, nervously.

"Wouldn't dream of it" He sighed longly, knowing tomorrow would ruin everything.

"How are you going to get in? I mean you can't exactly just walk right in" I snickered, trying to ease the tension and push away the bad feeling I felt in my gut.

"That's exactly the plan" He smirked.

I furrowed my brows and he continued with a laugh. "Theo has this thing set up where I go in, but in disguise" He finished off.

"Let me guess, a clown?" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes. "A magician actually, known as The Great Rodolfo" He grinned, proudly.

"So do I have to start saying that instead of your actual name in bed now?" I teased.

"Well, we both know i'm pretty great" He revealed.

"You wish" I mumbled, before speaking back up. "I gotta ask, what's my part in all of this?" I hinted.

"You'll be on the stage next to me, with Barbara. Just stick with her and you'll be fine" He told me, solemnly.

"You'd tell me if there was something else though, wouldn't you?" I asked, cautiously.

"I've told you everything you need to know Novey" He insisted, pulling me into a hug. "I love you" Jerome said, being the first one to say it, cherishing this moment before it soon ended.

"I love you too" I smiled, unaware that tomorrow everything was about to change drastically and for the worst.

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