disclaimers and author's note

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|| Disclaimer ||

This story is a work of pure fiction, loosely based on the character portrayal of Easy Company in the HBO show, Band of Brothers. This is, in no way, meant to represent the real men, their real stories, or the real historical events. I have endeavored to remain historically accurate in my own additions and writing whenever possible. You will find that this story, while a Band of Brothers fanfic and OFC story, is not based purely on the context of the show. 

Virginia Carroll, inspired in name and action by the real OSS agent Virginia Hall, is a character of my own invention. Her missions, actions, and story are figments of my own imagination and created purely for enjoyment and art. 

My portrayal of OSS agents and organizations, as well as espionage rings in World War 1, are as accurate as I could but there are creative liberties taken and they will be noted in the text. 

Agents were typically given aliases that would blend into their destination. Eris, Felix, Enyo, and any of my other agent names are chosen purely for creative reasons. (I also think they are badass). 

This story was originally posted as A Little Discord in April 2020. I have since edited, revised, and rewritten elements of this story. Any changes made will likely be noted in the author's notes at the end of the chapter, as well as any historical comments or further supporting research. 

Content warning: graphic scenes of fighting, death, blood, and gore. period typical sexism, Anti-Semitism, and emotional trauma throughout. I will do my best to provide specific trigger warnings as they approach but I would like to issue this blanket statement: This is a story about war and I will be diving into the psychological, physical, and emotional repercussions of this subject. 

Author's Note

I started A Little Discord, or Casus Belli, during the first lockdown in 2020. I was a quarantined college student who was trapped with a history buff and an enormous amount of undesignated free time at my disposal. With that time and knowledge at my disposal, I wrote A Little Discord, a story of a spy who was scared to end her war. 

Now, almost a year later, I'm back to bring the story that I wanted to tell the first time. I'm going deeper in this version and Casus Belli will provide some insight into Enyo, Melinoe, and Moros (characters in my discontinued Oneshot series, Lady Blood). 

I hope you all enjoy and be sure to vote, comment, and share if so inclined! 

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