Lets Make This Work

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A few days after the fight, I called and talked to Colson again. We missed each other, and I completely regretted everything that happened that night.

Things weren't supposed to go down like that.

For a few months, all we had was the phone. He was recording his first studio album, and couldn't make it to see me, and I wasn't able to take vacation from work just yet.

Colson eventually decided he wanted me to fly out to LA and be with him. I decided that I would give it a chance. Derek would understand, right? He would forgive me for making a life with Colson, and helping him pursue his dream.

The day before I was going to leave, Colson called me with a change of plans.

"Hey babe." I answered.

"Hey. So, new plan. You're not flying to me. I'm flying to you." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked, surprised. And also worried.

"Manger wants to get me out on the road asap. Want me to kick it off in Cleveland since it's my hometown."

"Well, when will that be?" I asked.

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks? I can't wait that long." I whined.

"I know it's gonna be tough baby. But we've made it this long, right? We've got this." He tried to reason.

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. You and me forever babe. I love you."

Two weeks felt like an eternity, especially since I haven't seen him in a few months. But when he finally was on his way to me, every nerve in my body was on edge. Besides that one night with Zayne, I hadn't been with anyone since he left. I missed his touch. His smile. His energy. I missed having his soul next to mine.

As soon as I laid eyes on him, I was running across the airport to get to him. I jumped and he caught me, holding me while I clung to him.

I inhaled, and took in his scent. Fuck I missed this.

"I'm so sorry..." I started, but he held up a hand to stop me.

"I want to pretend that night didn't even happen. I don't want to think about it. I just wanna be happy I'm here with you."

I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. He got recognized by a few people already, and I couldn't lie and say that it was a little bit annoying. We were sharing a moment, and they interrupted it. I let it go though, and took some of the pictures for his new fans. This was going to be my new normal, and. I had to get use to it.

We finally got to get on our way, and we headed back to the house that we shared. I left all of his stuff in the bedroom, and he rummaged through it.

"I forgot about half this shit." Colson said, moving things around.

"Let's look at this stuff later." I said, taking his hand and leading him towards the bed.

I needed him. I was unbuttoning his pants as soon as he hit the bed. As soon as I revealed what was waiting for me, my eyes widened with excitement.

I spit on the tip and massaged his cock until it grew hard, and then I took him into my mouth. I started out slowly bobbing my head up and down. I picked up speed and got a good rhythm going, and he was enjoying himself, sighing in pleasure.

"Fuck baby, just like that." He said under his breath. "You're so good at that."

I heard him groan in pleasure as he hit the back of my throat. I kept one hand slowly playing with his balls, and got him worked up in a hurry. He started pulling my hair to pull me back, making himself fall out of my mouth.

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