The Break Up

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(The first two chapters are just going to be setting up the story line. The back story. The third chapter will not be the same timeframe as the first two. I will also switch between Sienna and Colson's POV a few times throughout this book.)

"It doesn't matter anymore, Sienna." Colson said, his baby blue eyes piercing into mine with hatred. "You're trying to make me choose between my dream, and my relationship. That's bullshit."

"It's bullshit that I'm asking you to stay with me? It's bullshit that I'm asking that I be enough for you to wait for!" I yelled, my facial expression matching his. "You promised me, Colson."

Neither one of us was willing to back down. Neither of us was willing to give in. He knew I couldn't go with him. He knew that I couldn't just up and leave Cleveland, my home. Not right now.

"It's not up for debate. I'm going. You can come with me, or you can stay here. That's all there is to it. I'm not staying in this shit hole. I have a chance to make it out, and I'm not passing that up." He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"You know what? Fine. Just walk away!" I screamed, and picked up the closest object and threw it at the wall, watching the pieces shatter everywhere. "Just like you always do! You never cared about me, all you ever fucking cared about was the alcohol, and that's all you'll ever care about." I death glared at him, and without even thinking, words flew out of my mouth that I couldn't take back. "I never even loved you. You never meant anything to me so just fucking go."

He looked as if someone had punched him in the gut, his face twisted in pain, my words stinging like a bee. He wordlessly spun around and walked out the front door.

"I want my watch back!" I shouted as he slammed the door shut. I wished I had just let it go, I wish I had just walked to a different room until I calmed down.

We just got this house together. We just moved in two months ago, after finally being able to afford a house rather than the tiny apartment we had before. I thought we were building a life together. He just turned 22, and I was 20. We had agreed on waiting for my brother to come home before we left Cleveland. I knew 3 more years was a lot to ask for, but he said he was fine with it. He said he would get his career started around here, and that we would move after Derek comes home. We were so happy, until he got that call.

"How could you do this?" I whispered to myself, wrapping my arms around my front to try to comfort myself, but it didn't work.

The only thing I could think of to do was call Mariana, my very best friend. She was the only person that I could count on besides my brother. She was my human diary, my rock. She was my unbiological sister. She could read me like a book, knowing something was wrong before I told her half the time. And it went both ways. We were connected, and because of that she knew something was wrong before she even crossed over the threshold into my living room.

"What's going on?" She asked, and then her eyes picked up the broken picture frame on the floor that had a picture of Colson and I in it. Her head immediately snapped up to look at me. "What happened?"

I gave her the run down of everything that happened tonight. She listened with sympathy as I told her everything that had been on my mind, a constant wave of emotions rolling as I tried to control myself while my heart was breaking. My nerves were shot, and my body couldn't handle the stress I was putting on it with everything going on. I was shaking like crazy. I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was pale, Casper had more color than I did in that moment. I looked like a fucking zombie.

How could he just leave me like this? He knew how important Derek was to me, and how important it is was that we wait. We've been living together for two years. Why couldn't he wait for me?

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