ya'll need to give elena a break

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this is going to be an evaluation on elena, with some parallels to katherine, but not both as katherine should have her own chapter

First, season one

I've recently went back and rewatched the first season. Let me start off that a couple of months ago I was also rewatching S7 (dont ask why) and then when I got to S1 now, I had this overabundance of knowledge about everything that's going to happen, as well as the vampires past and future, you're basically all-knowing. So, when I saw Elena meeting Stefan and Stefan's watching her or answering her friend's questions about him, I know what the actual truth is. So, I'm meeting this human Elena with Stefan, she's basically a new person compared to the one we've gotten used to (especially because after reading fanfics for so long, Elena just constantly becomes more unlikable, but that's not Elena's fault but the ones who are writing her).

when i went into S1 again, there's this scene during a dinner party Elena is hosting for Stefan and Bonnie getting to know each other, and you know Damon and a compelled Caroline crash it afterwards

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when i went into S1 again, there's this scene during a dinner party Elena is hosting for Stefan and Bonnie getting to know each other, and you know Damon and a compelled Caroline crash it afterwards. In the kitchen, Damon is talking about Katherine his own sob story to try and make Stefan look bad, but that's not the point, the point is how Elena says she's sorry about all that and Damon looks at her with thoughtfulness but also almost waiting for the other shoe to drop, like she isn't sincere. Except that she is, she has no reason not to be. Elena is a very sincere and kind girl. It's one of the reasons both Stefan and Damon fell in love with her.

When the town went to shit and the tomb vampires were on the prowl, we didn't blame Elena, because it wasn't her fault

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When the town went to shit and the tomb vampires were on the prowl, we didn't blame Elena, because it wasn't her fault. She wasn't even supposed to know about vampires in the first place, all of that falls onto Stefan, he's the one that inserted him into her life. (though let me pause that, as I'm sure Klaus would've ended up finding her one way or another, gimme a minute, we're on season 1 right now). Now I'm not blaming Stefan here either, he was definitely interested and way too curious about Elena, and I personally also think that during his time in watching her and figuring out this can't be Katherine, that this sweet sad orphan girl is who he originally believed Katherine to be and his subconscious decided to pursue her. And then in spending time with her saw how she was better than his ideal version of Katherine could ever be.

How NOT to write a Vampire Diaries Fanfiction (including TO & Legacies)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt