The Way You Look Tonight

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Hehe it's 3:00am again and I'm comin at you with another song based oneshot (I have so many songs to use for these help-)

Genre: Fluff
Characters: George, Sapnap
Ships: SapNotFound
Warnings: None
Words: 1041

Orange lights appeared to swirl around them as two boys spun across the floor of an empty ballroom, arms held tight around each other and shared laughs tumbling past their lips as they clumsily attempted a slow dance to a Frank Sinatra song. The sound bounced off the towering ornate walls, accompanied by their off-beat footsteps against the polished floor and the steady stream of giggles that were leaving them, noises so loud but for only them to hear.

George wished every day was this carefree and purely happy. At the very least, he would have the memory to look back on when he was feeling low, would have the image of Sapnap's glowing smile and his stumbling feet and the closeness of them both. He could spend their whole time here detailing to him all the things he loved about him, but that was best saved for another time. For now, he would keep them to himself, cherish them and hold the fondness close with the overwhelming knowledge that he was the only one in the world who could feel this way about Sapnap in this perfect moment.

Sapnap's face was lit with an uncontrollable and oh-so-contagious grin, one that let his teeth peek through and pushed his cheeks up so far it squinted his eyes. If the sight somehow wasn't enough to warm the room they were in, it was certainly enough to warm George's heart. Both of their mouths likely hurt with how long they had been beaming so wide, but it was nothing that could be helped, and George wouldn't trade the ache in their cheekbones for the world. It was all he could do to push his insurmountable love for this man in front of him enough to focus on not tripping over his shoes.

Speaking of, Sapnap was, to be perfectly honest, a terrible dancer. It had taken forever to get his hands situated comfortably, one on George's hip and the other resting on his ribs somewhere just below his shoulder. It was by no means a proper position to hold, but between their uncoordinated steps and the constant tripping and bumping into each other, there was no way to convince themselves they were doing it right to begin with, so it didn't really matter. They just did what felt right, even if it made for more messy movements and amusing mistakes.

"You're so handsome, Sap," George eventually had to say between heavy breaths and huffed chortles, because maybe his tenderness for him was just a bit too much to keep entirely in his own head tonight. George swore he could feel his heart swell in his chest as Sapnap's nose crinkled with a bright smile and a loud laugh and he returned the compliment. With each word they spoke to each other, he only felt himself growing more and more enamoured by the boy tucked close in his arms, a feat which he didn't think would even be possible, and yet here he was feeling so very in love that he wasn't sure how his body could even handle it.

The room glowed with them. George wasn't sure if it was the affection bubbling up in him keeping his warm or if it was simply all the exercise, but it felt like there was a burning light in him, setting his skin ablaze with its passion. It was a familiar sensation when he was with Sapnap, though. Made him feel foolish sometimes for being so over-the-moon infatuated with him, but what was he to do? He couldn't dampen the feelings of his out-of-control heart, and no matter how silly he found it at times, he wouldn't ever ask for anything else.

As time went on, the two of them got better and better with swaying together to the music. They certainly couldn't be considered graceful by any means, but at the very least they swung each other around the room with slightly more ease and their toes ached less with accidental missteps. Neither really cared how goofy they looked as they flung themselves around the open floor - it didn't take too long to loosen up and become comfortable with the awkward movements, and to spew warm-hearted laughter at all their ludicrous mistakes. George was dizzy off either joy or from constant spinning and twirling, but it didn't matter either way as the grand golden walls turned around him and Sapnap radiated from directly in front of him.

Maybe George had been wrong when he said he could go on the whole night pointing out the things he loved about Sapnap - he wasn't so sure now that he could fit them all into this short amount of time. Even just looking at him now he didn't think he could name them all for himself. The way his eyes shone bright with the glowing lights surrounding them, how his nose lifted when he laughed, his soft rosy cheeks and the lines that appeared on them when he smiled. Hell, his smile alone probably couldn't be admired enough if George had a whole year set aside to do it. It was always so wide and easygoing, made him squint his pretty eyes up for the focus to be replaced with pearly teeth just barely peeking through pink lips. And speaking of his lips, George would really like to kiss them right about now.

So he did. He leaned in and connected them together, leaving one hand on Sapnap's waist while his other cupped his cheek with the utmost care. They continued to move and spin, surprisingly smoothly considering their mouths were pressing steadily but gently against one another. When he finally pulled them apart again, he felt he might explode when his eyes met with the warm blush and that same heavenly smile in front of him.

God, he loved him so much. That was something that would never change.

To George, they would always be like this. Even when they grew old and grey together, even when their bodies would no longer permit them to flow together in the way they were now, George would still see Sapnap in the same bewitching and breathlessly charming light. Things would always be just the way they were tonight.

Sorry no shoutouts rn, promise there's gonna be more in the next chapters (also I know literally everyone has more reads than me and the shoutouts don't really do much, they just make me feel good about appreciating people on here that I like (: )

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