That Fateful Day

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I still hear their voices at night. Begging for mercy. Asking to themselves why this was happening to them. Why the world around them was crumbling to pieces. I was there to see everything unfold.

On that fateful I would truly know...what life inside the walls meant for these people.

Eren: "Come on we're gonna miss It!"

Mikasa: "Eren wait up!"

Eren was excited that day. It was the first time I've seen him with such a big smile. He told me about the scouts returning from their expedition outside the walls. Mikasa wasn't exactly in the same mood as Eren, but I'd soon come to see these scouts and know why she wasn't as cheerful as Eren was.

We reached the crowd that gathered while waiting for the scouts. When they arrived Eren's smile died down from what he had seen. They looked empty Inside. Bandaged from their faces and a wagon carrying multiple dead bodies. Is this what Eren was looking forward to seeing?

Soldiers who stared death In the eye and don't want to look back? It was depressing to look at. To explore beyond the walls. If only they knew how much the world hated them. They wouldn't have gone out at all.

Lena and I were walking with Mikasa and Eren to go find Armin. Someone who seemed rather smart for someone his age. We then noticed that he was in trouble. The same kids that were picking on him at the market area were picking on him again. Eren as usual charged head on towards the bullies, and they were prepared for him. However, after Mikasa followed they ran off.

Fynn: "Seems like they ran off."

Lena: "On the count of Mikasa charging behind Eren."

Fynn: "Guess they don't want a repeat of last time."

We caught up to Eren and the others. He was boasting about how he scared them off, but we all knew that wasn't the case. Apparently they were picking on him because he brought up the topic of humanity and how they would need to leave the walls one day.

Eren: "Damnit. How come wanting to get out of these damn walls is looked down upon?"

Armin: "Well...It's because the one hundred years we spent inside the walls life has been peaceful for us. People are scared of messing up. They don't want titans invading the walls. Even the government declared having any interest outside the walls would be taboo."

Eren: "That old king Is just a coward. End of story."

Armin: "Yeah...but Is It the only reason?"

We were both listening In on their rambling about the outside world. It seemed there wasn't a day that went by where they weren't talking about this. Ever since Armin showed him that book about life beyond the walls he had been amazed. It's probably what caused him to be so interested in the scouts.

Lena: "Eren. Can I ask you a question...?"

Eren: "Huh? What Is It?"

Lena: "What If you had the chance to tear these walls down and explore the outside world. Then, you find out that humanity didn't go extinct this entire time...what would you do...?"

Fynn: "Lena...I don't think-"

Eren: "You kidding? Of course I'd take that chance! If humanity truly did survive we  would be able to leave these walls and live the life out there! Not only that, but we'd also get to see those lands that were taken from those titans."

Lena: "I wouldn't be....disappointed...?"

Eren: "Disappointed?! Why would I be disappointed? A world without titans, Lands I've never seen, humanity beyond the walls alive and well. What's there to hate?! Our future within these walls will change....I'm sure of it. One day."

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