Chapter 1: Introducing Me

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Sam's POV

Hi, I'm Sam. My best friend is Colby Brock and we do everything together; we have since we met. We both love exploring, especially exploring together. Colby is my best friend, my person. I don't know what I would do without him. He has always been by my side and I would do anything for him. We started making videos on vine when we were in high school and we have recently gained more followers. However, for me, the followers don't matter as much as Colby does. He means everything to me and I know he feels the same way. We're just two kids from Kansas who love to explore.

Colby's POV

Hello, I'm Colby! Sam is my best friend and he means the world to me. I'm so grateful to have a friend like him to be by my side. He supports me no matter what and that means so much to me. We met in high school band and I instantly felt a connection with him. We had big dreams that we knew we could achieve together and we did. We view success as doing what we love, together. We started vine together and then youtube when vine shut down. But to us, social media and followers are not the most important thing to us. Making content that we and our fans enjoy is what's important as is doing what we love. 

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