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Shawn leaned back against the fence post and watched the pond for a while. He'd came back around the trail at the perfect time, with the sunlight sparkling on the water and made sure to take a dozen pictures.

The weather was perfect and he wasn't surprised to see a few of his friends at the park. He left them there at the basketball court, while he went along the trail to take pictures. Brian and Connor were in the same photography class, but unlike Shawn, they always put in the minimal effort and saw it as an easy A. The only other person who took the class as seriously as he did was April.

It was nice to have someone to talk about that sort of thing with, but he couldn't help the almost weird feeling after talking to her. It was almost like betrayal, but who was he betraying? Camila? He and Camila weren't a thing. He loved her, but if having sex showed him anything, it was that it was always going to be one-sided.

He couldn't spend too much time over-analyzing it. April was now his rival for head photographer this year, and he had a sudden bigger worry. He took one last photo of the lake and slipped his camera back into its bag. He walked back to the basketball court where he'd chained his bike.

"You coming over tonight, or what?" Connor glanced at Shawn as he stepped inside the fence and sat down on one of the benches.

He and Brian were still playing one on one where Shawn had left them. They'd asked earlier if Shawn wanted to ride back with them and crash at Connor's tonight. It'd sounded pretty appealing before—crashing at his place was always some low key fun of just video games and pizza, but that offer was before Shawn had gotten Camila's call.

"Can't." He sighed. "I'm going to Shelby's tonight."

They both looked at Shawn, Brian nearly missing the ball Connor tossed this way and getting hit in the chest.

"Why?" Connor asked.

"Camila wants me to." Shawn said, instantly noting the way they looked at each other like they were trying not to laugh. "What?"

"Nothing." Brian said. He turned to Connor and passed the ball back. "We just think it's kinda funny how you'll do literally anything for her—"

"It's not like that." Shawn said quickly, feeling the heat in his face. "It's just, she wants a ride home for curfew and I'm not gonna say no to an invite to where I know there will actually be beer—"

"Okay, sure."

Shawn rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. He hated how they knew what he felt, but that was only because he'd told them. In the few years they'd been hanging out, Shawn may have drunk-cried about how beautiful Camila was on more than one occasion. Luckily, they were cool about it and kept it to themselves.

Lately, he'd been wondering what they'd say if he told them what happened between him and Camila. They'd be happy for him, sure, but it just didn't feel like something he wanted to brag about. It was his own private thing to think about, and it wasn't as if he needed to keep up with them. They never had much to brag about either.

"I don't know how you can stand going over there when Shelby doesn't even know you exist." Brian asked, shooting at the basket and missing widely.

"Once the partying starts, there's so many people there. They're all coming in and out, she doesn't even notice." Shawn said, speaking on the experiences he'd had in the past when Camila dragged him along. "Plus, everyone's drunk."

"Sounds like a prime opportunity to me." Connor grabbed the ball.

"Opportunity for what?" Shawn asked. Connor shrugged, but Shawn saw the way he and Brian looked at each other.

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