"So for food we have four 16in pizzas, two bags of fries and dips. We then have loads of beers and plenty of coke to go round" Victoria told us all
"Coke as in cocaine" I said with a angry tone
"Yes we are away for the weekend no adults around so that means we get wrecked" Emma said laughing
I wasn't happy in the slightest I don't do drugs and I would never do a drug so dangerous as cocaine. I hate the fact Nathan does it and it makes it worse that he doesn't understand how i feel about him doing it.
"Come let's go to the beach I want to get a tan" shouted Sam and she then stripped down to her pink bikini earning herself some wolf whistles from the boys. I must admit Sams body is to die for it's just so perfect she is such a beautiful girl.
Next minute Victoria and Emma joined Sam in their bikinis now the boys were all stood staring at these beautiful girls in hardly any clothes. Sam had the best body out of the three and she knew how to work it shaking he arse as he walked out.
"You not joining them cos I would love to see you in a Bikini" lee said looking my way and licking his lips
"Not a chance no one sees my body" I jokingly replied
"Come on you can't be that hard to get Nathan fucked you the first night didn't he" he snapped back
"What the fuck did you just say, don't even think about looking In my girls direction you understand" Nathan chipped in his face full of anger.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast I just chilled on the beach reading. The boys all had a game of volleyball and the girls sunbathed.
"Let's fucking party" screamed Emma who had a beer in hand
Lee turned the music up loudly and it was absolute rubbish music but everyone seemed to be having fun.
I grabbed myself a beer I need to let loose a little to be able to enjoy tonight.
"Happy 18th Sam" everyone screamed apart from me I wasn't interested in her birthday to be honest.

Party was now in full swing. I could see Victoria,Kalvin and lee snorting Coke on the kitchen table.
Sam, Noah and Nathan were playing a game and who lost each round had to either take a drink or take a item of clothing off. Sam was sat in her underwear after taking her dress off but you could tell she's had a lot to drink, Noah had his full clothing on and Nathan was sat in just his pants. The three of them were laughing so I'm guessing they are having fun.
In the corner of the room I could see Casey and Emma and Casey was giving her a good finger blast which turned my stomach to be honest. Casey looked very drunk and Emma was loving every minute of it.
I decided to take myself off upstairs I had enough of the party. I felt ok saying I had a few drinks. I got into my room I thought I'd do a bit of reading no doubt Nathan will turn up either drink or high.
I changed in to my sexy gear that I bought for our weekend I was going to surprise him. It was a red and black lace dress that showed all my lady parts and it was so sexy I couldn't wait to see his face.
I was just about to message him to say I was waiting for him when I heard the door.
I lied on the bed wearing my dress feeling very sexy and so confident.
To my horror it wasn't  Nathan walking through the door it was lee.
"What are you doing here" I asked quickly covering myself up
"I saw you leave so I thought I'd come up and keep you company. What's wrong sweetheart you not happy to see me" he said smiling
"No go away your not welcome here now leave"
He just laughed at me before taking another line of Coke. He was out of it you could tell he snorted and drank too much.
"I'm not going anyway sweetheart I'm going to show you just what a real man is like. I'm going to make you scream" he blurted
He came towards the bed and I quickly got up.
"Wow your all ready for me" he smirked
I forgot I had the dress on and it doesn't leave anything to the imagination. I tried to get past him but he grabbed me he was very strong and he threw me against the door hard hitting my head off it.
He then started to stroke my arms with his finger. I tried to fight but I couldn't he over powered me. I screamed help but then he slapped me so hard across my face.
"Why have you been such a bitch. You like attention. Casey,Kalvin then Nathan. You got to give the whole team some of you" he whispered then started to kiss me while moving his hands lower.
He suddenly grabbed hold of me and pulled me over to the bed I screamed again.
He then got rough with me pulling my legs apart. He had the perfect view. He started to lick his lips. I was now shaking and tears were rolling i screamed help again but this time he punched me in the face to shut me up. He started to play with me first just kissing then he licked,then came the fingers. I was begging him to stop but he wouldn't he just laughed at me. He began to pull his pants down. I screamed again louder this time.
" I'm so hard for you, your gonna be screaming my name" he laughed
He then entered me very hard I screamed again
"Yes baby your good I told your going to scream" he moaned.
just then i felt him pull out with force I wasn't sure what was happening as I closed my eyes and pretended it wasn't happening.
I heard a lot of crashing the next minute I opened my eyes and Casey was punching lee, blood was all over his face and Casey was going crazy on him.
" I got up from the bed I pulled Casey's arm back before he punched him again and Casey got up from a knocked out lee and I just fell into his arms. He held me so tightly and in that moment all my worries had gone.
"What the fuck happened here" Nathan shouted as he entered the room.
"WHILE YOU WAS FUCKING GETTING WASTED AND HIGH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS UP HERE GETTING FUCKING RAPED" Casey shouted so loud at Nathan that the rest of the gang came running up.
Nathan just stood there in shock not knowing what to say, Casey came over to me and wrapped his jacket around me. He then went into the bathroom to get me some tissues for my nose as it was dripping with blood.
"Omg what happened" a concerned Sam asked
"Charlie ..." Nathan's tried to get the words out but couldn't
Victoria came over and placed her arm around me.
Noah and Kalvin went to check on lee.
"Sam your sister  has just been raped by this piece of shit" Casey spat out before kicking lee in the stomach.
Sam broke down and cried, Victoria held me tighter and Kalvin and Noah grabbed lee off the floor and took him out the room. Nathan was just standing there shaking.
"How far did he get" he quietly asked Casey
"He was in her" Casey informed him
"FUCK I'M GONNA KILL HIM" he shouted then punched the wall.
"You don't need to Casey already sorted him" I cried out
Nathan just put his head down I think he's feeling guilty that he wasn't here in my time of need.
"Casey will you run her a bath please" Victoria asked nicely
Casey went off and started running me a bath.
"Everyone leave us" Victoria commended
"But she's my girlfriend" Nathan said sadly
"Yes and she's just been raped the last thing she needs is a guy here when she's getting a bath" Victoria explained
I was just numb i could see my hands shaking but couldn't feel anything. It was like it happened to someone else like I was stuck in someone else's nightmare.
Nathan and Casey both left the room and Sam and Victoria stayed with me.
"Come on Charlie let's get you in the bath" Victoria said so sweetly
I couldn't move I just froze. Sam and Victoria got me up and helped me to the bath. Victoria washed me while Sam held my hand. I could see the tears rolling down Sams face I however felt nothing.
"We need to ring the police" Sam cried
"No we don't they won't do anything"
"What how do you know" Sam asked annoyed
"Look a group of teenagers alone for the weekend drinking and doing drugs they won't take it serious" she snapped
" yes they will" Sam snapped back
"No they won't they didn't with me last year" Victoria blurted
"Omg Victoria was you raped" Sam asked with genuine concern
"Yes I was by three guys" she said quietly
"I'm so sorry Victoria" I cried
"Well it happened nothing got done about it that's why I'm here. I've moved on and it made me stronger" she said like it hasn't effected her in the slightest.
After the bath Victoria and Sam helped me into my pyjamas. Victoria wouldn't let go of me. Sam was trying to keep it together but I could tell it's really effected her.
"Nathan is there another room Charlie can stay in it isn't a good idea her staying in here and it needs cleaning there's  blood on the bed and floor" she asked
"Casey can she stay in your room, we both could look after her" Nathan asked
"Yes what do you think Victoria" Casey asked
"Yeah she's close to you both but don't try and force her to speak about it or come close to you. She will do that in her own time" she advised them.

They all took me to Casey's room both Casey and Nathan looked concerned. They wasn't sure what to do if they should speak to me or not.
"Nathan, Casey can I sleep in the middle of you two tonight. That way I know he won't be able to get me again" I asked with tears falling down my face
Both boys got on the bed with me in the middle both put an arm around me and I fell asleep knowing that lee wouldn't be able to hurt me if I had these two protecting me.

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