Oculi Praedicere

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It was early in the morning; however, you could barely notice with the sky being an unchanging red. And the giant X in the sky. The only way they knew that time passes was by the turning of Bill's castle. It had been a little bit more than a year since all this started. After they had said out to leave the town and seek safe shelter. They came to the horrific truth that they couldn't leave Gravity Falls. Bill was smart enough to put up another barrier. So that if he couldn't leave, nobody could.

Robbie, Gideon, Grenda and Tate McGucket were out in the woods looking for new fresh supplies, like water and meat. They were all weaponed to the teeth and on high alert. You could never know if some demon would show op. They had convinced one demon to spy for them and it had been quite helpful with evading guards. However, he hadn't shown up for a few weeks now and they were scared that he might have gotten caught. He might leak their information or location. As Tate and Gideon were carrying the water they had collected. Grenda was caring the Meat in the bag on her back and was cutting up the last animal, while Robbie was standing guard. As she was putting it all away they heard the sounds of quick footsteps, heavy breathing, and some soft angry words. Then a few moments later they heard some other louder footsteps and louder sounds, like someone was ordering a group of people. The first set of footsteps were getting closer and slower. There was a sound of something or someone getting hit and a soft curse and now it was only one set of steps and a dragging sound. The 4 of them went to stand in more covered locations and got their distance weapons out and aimed at the position of where the sounds would probably come into view. They see the bush shake and there come out 2 shapes. One was dragging the other with them. That one was franticly looking for a place to hide and he seemed to have spotted a place and took cover. Then they see a few other demons also run through the bush, but they don't stop to look around and run straight pas them while shouting something in their own language. After a few minutes of silence, except their own heard beat, they decide to look at the people that were running. As they get cautiously closer they hear some heavy breathing and someone whispering something in an odd language. Then the two came into sight. One was laying on the ground with a big wound in his leg and some more minor injuries all over his body, he was trying not to cry out in pain. The other one was a slightly hurt and exhausted, low demon that was trying to heal him in a panic. It wasn't going too great. He hadn't noticed them yet. As they get a better look at the almost crying demon, Grenda was the first to recognize him.

"Tovenaar?! Is that you? Are you alright?" She said in a worried tone. He looked up in fear, but when he saw them he let out a sigh of relieve. He gave a weak simile and let out a few tears in relief.

"O thank the darkness it's you guys." He spoke whispering. Then the sound of a cough on the ground retook his attention, and he started to heal him again. Robbie steps closer and looks at the wound and gets out a tiny med kid and started to bandage him up. The man looked thank full at him.

"We can't stay here for long. We need to move." Gideon said after they had patched him op just enough. The rest nods and Gideon and Robbie move to lift the, in his own blood-covered, man from the ground and support him while walking. Tate helps the demon get up and they move to the camp. They were wary of this new person but since Tovenaar had risked his life for him. They decide on the benefit of the doubt. It was a quiet walk, and the only sound was the painful gasps for air, from the man. When they reached the 'gate' they were met with a few of the guards. When they saw Tovenaar and the state of the man they immediately got a stretcher and called the leaders together and moved to the tent they called the 'hospital'.

The doctor's and Tovenaar were busy with him for at least 2-3 hours. And you could hear the shouts of pain on occasion. They didn't have any painkillers left. In that time a group of people started to gather around. Wondering about what was happening. Then there was one last scream and silence. After a few minutes, there was the sound of soft chatting and some happy claps what probably were high fives. The doctor moved the entrance of the tent and looked tiered at them and spoke.

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