"Uhh lets pretend i did not say that"

You both laughed and shared some jokes before you were done.

"Lets get going now its nearly 7"

The party was here in Tokyo at Bokuto's house. You were staying at Ari's place for a couple of days since school was off. You guys got in Ari's car as she got in the driver's seat and began driving to Bokuto's house.

The car ride wasn't that long considering Ari and Bokuto lived near eachother. You guys could smell weed and alcohol once you got out the car. You could hear the loud bass booming from the speakers inside. Ari grabbed your hand and ran towards the house and knocked. You guys waited a couple seconds before a tall guy with black roots and silver spiky hair cheerfully opened the door. "HEY HEY HEY LADIES" He raised his voice over the loud music that was playing in the background.

"Hey Bokutoo" You say giving him a quick side hug then moving out the way so Ari could too. You followed him into the house where different people from different schools were enaging with eachother. Some smoking outside, some dancing, some taking shots in the kitchen. Like an original high school party.

"Go wherever, if you need me I'll be outside with Kuroo and Akaashi!"

"You wanna go drink?" Ari asked nudging your arm.

"Yeah let's go" you say walking to the kitchen where you could see some seijoh boys.

"Hiii" you exclaim loud enough for them to notice your presence.

"Heyyy look it's y/n!" Mattsun yells holding up 2 shots handing you one. You mutter a quick thank you and grin before handing another one to Ari.

"3, 2, 1!" You all gulped the shot in one go smacking them back on the counter.

"The blue ones always hit hard" Makki remarks shaking his head.

"Yeah they do" Iwaizumi speaks up leaning on the counter.

"Ooo he's cute" Ari whispers sneakily into your ear making your eyes widen.

"Ari I have a boyfriend" you hissed smacking her playfully.

"Mhm yeah"

You rolled your eyes before walking away with her making your way to the backyard where more people were hanging out.

As you stepped out of the sliding doors, the cool breeze hit your body sending you shivers. You and Ari walked over to where Bokuto, Kuroo and Oikawa were talking.

"Ayy y/n-chan and Ariii" Kuroo greets waving his hand holding his beer bottle. You both wave greeting the rest of the boys.

"Heh Bo where's Keiji?" Ari asks while fixing up her dress.

"Over there" he points to the corner of the backyard where Akaashi was sitting on the sofa with Terushima and...


Ari gave you a worried look but you just nodded signalling it's okay for you to go. She yanked your arm and ran towards the boys nearly making you trip over your air forces.

"Jesus calm down woman" you grumble brushing your dress off.

"Hehe, Keijiii!"

"Hey" he says giving her a kiss on the cheek. You decided to sit on the edge of the sofa on Suna's side staring off into space. Couple minutes past, you were brought back to reality by a husky voice.

"You not gonna talk to me?" You looked down and the voice belonged to Suna's. You glared down into his eyes which were puffy and red from the weed and he had his blank expression on.

"I have nothing to say to you" you murmur fiddling with the end of your skirt gazing at your feet that were swinging back and forth.

Your heart started to beat fast when you felt a cold, large hand grab your forearm pulling you onto the sofa. You winced pulling your hand back, an unsettling look spread on your face as you threw your head back.

"Baby talk to me"

"Dont baby me"

"What's wrong?"


"I know something is wrong"

"Then why the fuck are you asking me"




"Where for fucks sake"

Suna rolled his eyes grabbing your hand pulling you up and running into the house. He pushed through the crowd still holding your hand firmly pulling you behind him.

He started running up the stairs which you had no choice to but to run aswell as he squeezed your hand yanking you up. He scurried through the hallways upstairs looking for an empty room. Once he found one he pulled your arm and dragged you into the room.

A/n yeah I'm ending it here lol. So uh I'm not gonna write seggs bc uh yeah 😀 sorry if that's what you were expecting but I'll try to write a heated make out session at least 🧘🏼‍♀️ anyways 😹 I didn't edit this either so😗

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