Part Twelve

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        The whole car ride Ryan's face was lit up with a smile. The closer we got to our destination, the more excited he became. It was such a nice day, especially considering it was November. I guess that happens when you live in South Carolina. Upon pulling into an unmarked parking lot, Ryan turned they key, grabbed the picnic basket from the back, and ran over to my side of the door to open the door for me.

            "My lady." He said jokingly.

            "Ah, why thank you. What a lovely day to have a picnic!"

            "Seriously, it's freaking gorgeous." Ryan replied, completely breaking character.

            He instantly grabbed my hand and began leading me to where I knew we were going to go since we left the Church parking lot. Would it be a date if we didn't go to the meadow we found as kids when our family's were having a get together ten years prior? I could still remember Ryan and I asking if we could play on the playground when we were done eating, and making a cut for the woods instead. When we came upon this meadow, there was no stopping us. We  ran through the field, playing tag, hide and seek, and even truth or dare. That was one of my most vivid childhood memories, probably because I wrote it in the journal I kept when I was six. I would dig  it up from the basement every couple of years and find, scribbled in my own handwriting,

            "Today was lots of fun. Ryan and I played. In a feild. It was green. It had lots of pretty flours. Now I am tired. Time to sleep. Good bye for now. XOXO -Rosalie."

             I insisted on leaving every page with my famous "XOXO -Rosalie". Gosh was I lame. When we made it to the clearing, Ryan turned and was about to ask me if I remembered, but we both stopped instantly in our tracks. He looked at my lips once again, and we began to kiss. Suddenly his hand was sliding up the small of my back, then back down. These cumbersome motions were slowly getting lower, almost to my butt. I shivered, then realized what was going on. I didn't want this, not now. This wasn't Ryan. We were both breathing deeply and I grabbed his wrist. He pulled away.

            "Rose, I'm sorry- I guess I just got, um, lost in the moment-"

            "No, it's okay." I don't think my blushing face convinced him.

            He sighed deeply and then rubbed his forehead, turning to the right. He looked back at me, crying. He quickly lifted his right hand to wipe away the single tear.

            "Ryan, no, it's okay."

            "No, it's not. I totally just screwed this date up. I disrespected you, and now-"

            "Stop, it's okay. I know you, don't let this ruin your day, okay? I'm not even mad!"

            "Rose, I made you blush. I should never do that."

            "Okay, way to point out my embarrassment," I was laughing now, "like I didn't already notice."

            He smiled, then apologized about eight more times before we reached a spot that seemed right. Ryan plopped down in criss-cross apple sauce style and I bent my legs to the side since I was still wearing a dress.

            "Rose, I meant to tell you already, you look beautiful."

            I, not being able to take compliments well, ever, replied, "Um thanks. I didn't even do my hair though, and then I messed up on my eye liner-"

            "Hey, you always look beautiful, it takes a real girl to pull that off. Now listen, I wanted to do this formally so I'm not one of those unromantic dunces, so um here ya go. Rosalie, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

            I was again, blushing.

            "Yes, I would love to."

            Ryan got up, walked over  to the picnic basket and grabbed a dark blue rectangular box, his hands shaking slightly. He pulled out a heart necklace and carefully undid the latch. Then, being the gentleman he is, wrapped it around my necklace as I beamed with joy. Before he could sit down, I pulled him down next to me and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

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