Part Eleven

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I woke up, ah Sunday morning. I love these lazy mornings before Church. After washing my face and grabbing a cup of coffee, I had my mom take the bandages off of my foot, explaining to her the whole ordeal from falling down the stairs to passing out. She looked worried but glanced at my dad before starting what seemed would be an intense conversation.

"Honey?" My mom said shakily.


"We're worried about you."

"Mom, what? Why?"

"Well you've just seemed so upset lately and you never leave the house. Do you need us to do anything?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just in a rut for a little with school and stress I'm fi-"
"Are you sure this has nothing to do with Ryan?" My dad broke in.

"No, he's doing so well! I really think the counseling is helping him."

"Yes, I know. But you're not Ryan, dear."

"I know Dad, but I'm fine don't worry!"

They both nodded their heads and continued on with their early morning Bible Study they had every morning before Church. I wasn't lying to them, I was honestly feeling so much better since Ryan and I talked... and didn't talk, last night. He didn't force anything out of me, and I couldn't thank him enough.

After deciding to do nothing with my hair, I ran into my bedroom to get dressed. I picked out a dress that I knew fit me well and then slipped on a pair of heels. The color of the dress actually really brought out my eyes. Apparently purple brings out green eyes? I put on my makeup, grabbed my Bible, and started the car for my parents. I was really hoping for a non-awkward car ride, and I was in luck. My parents played a few classics and sang the whole way there.

Upon walking into Church, Ryan met me at the water fountain, engulfing me into a hug. We didn't stay there too long considering we were at Church. Not that it's wrong to hug at Church, it's just slightly awkward when two teenagers hug for more than like ten seconds with elderly people all around them.

"Hey Rose, are you, um, okay?" He said, once again narrowing his eyes to mine.

"Yes, I'm doing much better thanks to you. And I had my mom slip off my bandage on my foot this morning, there was just a small cut. Thanks again for last night, I really needed that."

"What do you say we go out today?"

"You and me? Today?"

"Wait, let me guess. You have AP homework?"

"No, I've just never, um never mind. Let me ask my parents and I'll let you know after the service okay?"

"Okay." Ryan replied smirking.

The message that morning was just amazing. I'm not sure if it was because I was so down in the dumps, but each scripture seemed to cut me to the heart. The preacher talked about how sometimes we, as Christians, aren't always happy. Happiness depends on what happens, but joy depends on your faith in Christ. That caused me to have an epiphany. However sad I was, I still had hope in the coming of Christ, when I would be able to rest in His arms. A few times I caught Ryan glancing over at my pew, and we made eye contact once or twice. I loved when that happened.

After the service let out, I asked my parents if I could hang out with Ryan, and of course they agreed considering they thought I never got out and Ryan was literally the best kid ever. I'm not saying they were wrong. Ryan walked over to our pew, shook my dad's hand, gave my mom a hug, and made sure our plans were okay. I couldn't tell if he was sucking up or if he was being genuine. Either way, it was adorable.

We walked out to his old BMW, pulled out of the driveway, and immediately made a left.

"Wait are we going where I think we are?"

"Hey, it's a surprise!"

"Okay, sorry." I said, while looking back and noticing a picnic basket in his back seat.

Hold on for the RideOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant