Before the storm

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Ranboo has been with us for a few day's, and he was welcomed by everyone. Technoblade was still having his guard up after what Ranboo said about dream.

"Don't worry to much on it Techno everything will be fine" I hugged him to which he relaxed slightly.

"I know i just want everyone to be okay" He laid his head on my shoulder.

There was a clash of lightning that stuck shaking the ground. I jumped along with Technoblade. He sighed looking out the window.

"It's just a thunderstorm"

"Yeah I guess your right"


I lightly smacked his arm as I closed the windows so rain wouldn't come inside. This was a rare moment when the night sky wasn't beautiful it was filled with clouds and it rain with sorrow.

"This sucks we were supposed to watch the stars"

"Guess they didn't align with our plans" I joked

"Your spending too much time with Ranboo and his stupid jokes" Techno commented.

"Oh hush" I went my way over to the chest to brew a few potions out of boredom. I remembered stuff from the Village. I sighed I guess it was sorrow.

"What are you doing?" Techno asked casually.

"I'm making some potions for safety reasons"

He nodded and grabbed his sword. He put on his cape and crown. Heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" I questioned looking at him.

"Oh me and Fundy are gonna go look for Skeleton horses and mob heads. I told him I would help" he stated.

"Be careful I kissed him he pulled away and smiled softly.

"Always" I watched as he walked out the door as he talked to Fundy as they descended into the forest.

I looked over and saw Ranboo heading over to the house. He waved and walked up the steps.

"Hey Ranboo what's up?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to help me make a secret room I use I already have it partially made I just need help decorating.

"Of course I would love too!" I grinned

He smiled as he walked me to a place under his house. The inside was filled with nether blocks and he had torches lighting the room. In the corner there was a Ender chest in the corner and a regular chest.

"Maybe I could lend you some mob heads? It would look cool" I smiled

"Really?" He asked

"Of course I have a few extras from before when it was thundering" I pulled some out of the Ender chest and handing it so him.

He took it and placed them in the center wall. When you first walk in.

"Wouldn't it look better if it was on this wall?" I asked about to touch the wall before Ranboo stopped me. "No no it's okay! I like it here" he seemed worried and like he was hiding something.

"Okay okay sorry"

"For what?"

"Upsetting you"

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