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So I'm here to explain a few things. Um, I might make Jirou a basic bitch, sorry! Also in this Denki is his first name, because I have no idea what order his name is in. I'm gonna introduce a few characters in here, because I know I have a hard time remembering other peoples OCs.

Okane Hoshi
Age: 12
Gender: Male (female body, so still has woman issues)
Quirk: none bc I'm lazy
Biological siblings: none

Karasu Akira
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Quirk: she can hear from long distances, but if its too loud then her ears start bleeding. She needs to wear noise blocking earphone thingies so this doesn't happen. She tends to use sign language.
Biological siblings: Sakuma

Sakuma Akira
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Quirk: She can enable a mode on her voice that allows her to be quiet, so she usually tells her sister what others are saying if they don't know sign language, and when she doesn't know how to sign something.
Biological sibling: Karasu

Osaki Konyo
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Quirk: if he writes down a name with his blood, then they die or get severely injured based on whether he writes their full name or just the first name (yes this is slightly inspired by death note)
Biological siblings: none

Um, I think that's it! If you have a question in further chapters then ask me in the comments.
- Harper

The Idiot of Class 1-A (Denki Kaminari angst) - Discontinued -Where stories live. Discover now