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You are woken early the next morning, and to your surprise you know exactly where you are.

Emily smiles at you and hands over a grey cotton sprigged dress with a bonnet fitted with buttons, a cream ribbon and matching gloves.

You pull on your normal boots as they will likely be covered by your dress anyway.

You want to cry when you look in the mirror. It was too real all of a sudden, but you couldn't very well turn up to a national event in clothes from over a hundred years in the future.

You were trying to be inconspicuous after all.

You set off in a large group, exiting out the huge house and onto the cobbled street, fog still lining the ground.

Marketers are already setting up their booths, and had you been less nervous you would have liked to get a better look.

Emily helps you into a taxi drawn by a horse, smiling kindly at your terrified face at the contact. You try to relax. You could not interfere. This was how it happened, Emily is killed today, and you had to let that happen.

You see it all too clearly, newspaper cuttings you had studied many years ago in the future.

You shiver, unable to comprehend the death of the kind woman sat next to you.

The ride is short to the races and you get out into bright sunshine, huge crowds swelling with life, looking just like a scene from a historic movie, which, you supposed, technically it was.

"Miss Pankhurst!" Calls Emily, and she tows you through a thicket of women, stopping you short in front of a strong lady wearing furs despite the heat, neat hair pulled back with a proud sash in suffrage colours across her chest.

She smirks genially and you find yourself blushing like a fool, embarrassed to be in her very presence.

"Emily my dear! How are you? And who is this?" She asks with a smile, looking down at you.

"This is (Y/n), one of my girls. Very clever you know, came up with a fitting motto too! Deeds not words!" She exclaims happily.

"Little charmer, she'll fit right in! Deeds not words you say? Goodness she's creative" Miss Pankhurst laughs and you blush somehow more.

The reason you had rights, and your long time idol, was stood right in front of you.

"N- nice to meet you Miss Pankhurst" you stammer and she pats you lightly on the shoulder.

Intimidated by her remarkable form, you don't make the flinch too obvious.

"Come along everyone!" She calls over her shoulder and you see fifty odd women joining her, all wearing the same coloured sash. It was a glorious sight.

You are lead into the race grounds as you try desperately not to panic at the crowds. You find yourself tripping over people and are suddenly separated from Emily.

"Emily!" You call but she has disappeared from view.

Really panicking now, you stumble over people who frown and elbow you furiously.

Apologising profusely, you are hit with an image of yourself, alone and scared.

You gasp, and then, trying to find the source, you trip and go sprawling, falling heavily into a woman by the sound of her grunt.

"I'm so sorry I-" you start then stop as you actually take in her face, her extraordinary clothes, her blonde bob and smiling face.

"Doctor!" You scream and she laughs, pushing herself to her knees.

"And I thought it would be a lot harder to find you, of course not! Look for commotion and (Y/n) is at the centre!" She laughs as you help each other to your feet.

You don't give her time to adjust before throwing yourself into her arms, tickling her chin with your bonnet.

"I thought I'd never see you again" you sob and she hushes you, stroking your hair gently.

"Well that was silly, I told you I would find you, I promised I would keep you safe" she whispers as you pull away, wiping you face. "I like the outfit by the way" she grins with raised eyebrows and you shake your skirt.

"Yeah it's alright actually, I could get used to it" you smile and she offers you her hand, pulling you through the crowd.

You barely blink, terrified of losing her.

Your heart lifts as you see the familiar blue box tucked under a seating stand with three women standing out front. All look tense and unhappy, but it's Yaz who sees you first.

"(Y/N)!" She shrieks, launching herself at you, knocking you once more to the ground.

You laugh and she blushes, beginning to untangle herself.

"Sorry sorry, I was just worried" she says hastily, but you smile, giving her a quick squeeze before Jenny pulls you to your feet.

She doesn't hesitate to pull you into a warm embrace where you relax against her heat, saying nothing.

Words couldn't convey how it felt to see her again anyway.

You break apart and you glance at Missy who looks surprisingly angry. She steps over and cups your face, looking at you anxiously.

"I thought I told you never to scare me like that again?" She whispers in a hurt voice and you wither in apology.

"You're going to be the death of me" she mutters before pulling you into a hug too and holding you securely. When you step back they are all scrutinising you carefully.

"You kind of stole my look" says Missy finally and you roll your eyes, hands on hips.

"It's called a disguise" you say pettily and they laugh.

"God you gave us a scare (Y/n)" says The Doctor with a relieved smile and you look at her carefully.

"Well for a moment there I really thought I was going to be stuck here forever..." you start then stop, whipping round at the sounds of the starting gun.

"Oh no oh no oh no" you gasp and Missy grabs your hand.

"What is it? What's wrong?" She says, searching for danger in the crowds.

"No it's Emily! I can't just let her die!" You say, beginning to head back to the race when Missy grips you firmly.

"Emily Davison? My love I'm sorry, but it's history, it can't be changed."

"It can be rewritten!" You say, with fresh tears in your eyes, but The Doctor shakes her head sadly.

"We need to go, come on everyone" she says, as they turn back to the box. You sigh and accept defeat.

Everything these women did for you in the future, all they fought for, and you never got to thank them.

You didn't even get to say goodbye.

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