Chapter 6 : 100 Windows and fishy little fishes

Start from the beginning

Ace:"Eeh!?Me too!?"

You:'100 Windows that's so unfair I didn't even do anything I was the one trying to stop it' I clenched my fists but didn't say anything not wanting to make the matter worse.

Crowley:" of course! after school, come to the cafeteria. understood?

Grim/Ace/you:" Yes/yes sir/fine" Three of us said looking down I grabbed grim by his bow and start walking away

Grim:"can you believe him it's all that Ace guy fault he-"

You:" shut up, I don't wanna hear a word" he flinch at my cold voice, good, I left him up to my eye-level and he had a scared face when he saw my glare"it's yours and him faults because of your short temper and ignoring me you burnt one of the statues. now if you still want to stay in this damn school I suggest you start listening to me and do as I say or else you'll be kicked outside with no tuna understood?" He nodded very fast definitely not wanting to know what will happen if he argued back.

You:"good" I dropped him on the floor and start walking again"Now behave because I'm not getting in trouble and taking your blames now follow".

He did as I said and ran on 4 to keep up with me we walked inside and start working.

Time skip

After asking Crowley where the Janitor closet is we started cleaning from the entrance hall halfway to the library the whole Time Grim will be grumbling and complaining about how boring and tired he is and I ignored him every time we pass Ace I had to grab grim so he won't jump on him When they start throwing insults at each other I will throw at both of them a glare to shut them up and it did.

Me and grim are now In the hallway that leads to the library I had send coconut to get something from the Janitor closet and he's not back yet I hope he's ok.

Grim:" [grumbling]"
You:" stop with that we're almost Done see?" I pointed at the doors of the library" we just need to clean all the way to that and we're done"

Grim:"but we still have 100 Windows to go" he whined throwing the brush he was sweeping with in the bucket.

You:"and who's fault is that?" I said glaring at him daring him to say something he didn't he avoided eye contact Picked up the brush and start swiping while grumbling again

You:"sigh" I shook my head and went back mopping that's when I heard noises coming from behind me from the other side of the hallway I turned around and saw coconut running Towards me jumped on my back and wrapped his tiny arms around my neck hiding his face in my hair.

You:"what's wrong coco what happened?"I asked patting his head to come him down what happened on the way to the closet?,did someone try to hurt him? I swear if they did they won't live another day coconut isn't just my familiar or pet he's my friend and I'm very protective of my friends if someone tried to hurt them they will face my wrath.

Coconut:(scared monkey noises)" he pointed at the direction he came from.

???:"come here little Monkī~ I just want to squeeze you~" I turn my head back to see a figure running Towards us I couldn't make out who it is since the hallway was a bit dark The person got closer And I can now see his whole Features.

a VARY tall male with dirty blue hair and one string from it is black miss match eyes one is grey and the other one is yellow like gold A goofy smile that showed he had sharp teeth i'm guessing he's a student as well seeing he has the same Strange outfit everyone in here has but his looked quite messy like he put no effort putting on he stopped in front of me and HO-LE IS HE TALL he's literally towering over me and he's just standing there......just.....looking..I felt very small under him.

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