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Y/N heard a low groan come from the body below him. Looking down with a scowl and transforming his hand into an axe blade. Lifting it over his head while listening to the unneeded pleads from the scum bag under him.

"You tried poisoning a gang leader. How'd you think that was gonna play out, hm?", he whispered. Using his normal hand to grab the guys chin. Facing it directly up towards him.

"I asked you a question. Or are you deaf all of a sudden? You should get that checked out", he continued. Pausing and looking up. Watching the sun rise above houses and tall apartment buildings.

"P-please you don't understand- I didn't have a choice! It was h-her life or mine—!"

"All you do is whine.", he removed his hand from the mans chin and swung his blade forward. It slammed into his skull.

"You're selfish"

Y/N watched as the blood splattered across his arm. Looking in disgust before shifting his hand back.

He stood up and watched the man bleed out. "What a scumbag", he mumbled to himself. Blood pooled around the mans head. As well as his other wounds.

A blue glowing orb raised from the dead body. Y/N left those things alone though, not knowing what it is. Not wanting to be bothered by it either.

Y/N kicked the corpses leg before walking away. Mainly back to the large hotel that his aunt owned. Going behind the hotel and turning on the hose, spraying himself down and watching the blood run off of his arm and into the grass, seeping into the soil.

It was early morning. The sun was still rising and peeking through the trees. Y/N quickly finished rinsing off and walked into the back entrance of the hotel. Getting a towel that hung outside and wiping up the mess of water behind him.

His aunt owned a hotel and housed her gang as well as regular people that passed through their town. She was seen as a house mother, sort of. She was all a lot of people had left. And coming for her head is a death wish.

The teen quickly ran up the stairs and into his apartment, which was directly next to his aunts. On the top floor. He discarded his clothes as he walked in and  into his bathroom, turning the shower on and hopping in.

Using the soap in his hand to wash the dried up blood from his face, and a bit that got in his hair/locs/braids.

Once he was done he got out and dried off, sliding comfortable clothes on, staring down at his bloodied clothes. More of them having brown blood stains in them. Quickly running water in the tub and throwing them in. Pouring some hydrogen peroxide and soap and mixing it with the water.

Y/N jumped when he heard a knock on his door. Wanting to sleep more than anything else. He washed his hands and closed the bathroom door. Quickly walking to the door of his apartment. Opening it and being greeted with a hug. Making him smile.

"Good morning auntie. Did you sleep well?", he asked. His tone a bit softer.

"I slept wonderfully. Even though my precious cat tried suffocating me by sitting on my chest", she rambled before reaching behind her nephew and closing his apartment door. Leading him into hers. Walking over to the bed and sitting down.

A white cat getting up and rubbing itself against Y/N. He was blind in one eye. He laughed lightly before greeting the cat and petting him. Lifting the white fur ball into his lap and scratching under his chin gently.

"I got your report card back from the school. You've been doing exceptionally well", she praised. Poking her nephews cheek as a fond smile spread across her face.

This was the beginning of school and Y/N got all around C+, B's and one A. This was an obvious improvement since last year he was barely close to passing on to the next grade.

"And I know you've been getting picked on. My poor baby", she added. Squishing him into another embrace as the cat in his lap teethed on his hand.

"I've been thinking about enrolling you into another school. You already know I don't want you involved in all this.", she continued, the conversation getting more serious. Though her tone remained the same. Soft and gentle.

"What's the school name?", Y/N questioned. Poking the cats forehead, making it bite his hand again.

"It's called Death Weapon Meister Academy. I used to go there with your mom", she explained. "And it'll help you actually shift into a weapon besides from just your hands.", she added.

Y/N's mother was a Meister while his aunt was a weapon. Specifically a revolver. While Y/N was a double sided battle axe. Even though he's never shifted completely before, his aunt could only guess since both his hands could turn into axe blades.

"It'll be fun!", she said and stood up.

"Start packing your bags, your flight goes out in two days", she stretched as the half blind cat leaped out of his lap and onto the bed. Laying back down. Y/N wanted to complain but he already knew how much his aunt didn't want him involved in her gang in the first place.

He let out an exaggerated groan and got up. Letting his aunt know he was leaving before closing the door behind him and walking into his apartment, getting one of the two suitcases, that hadn't been there before. He guessed his aunt asked someone to put it his room.

The teen began packing his bags. Despising leaving his aunt but packed anyways.

☠︎ 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐗𝐄 ☠︎Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant