"I'm at a party" he said flipping the camera. Josiah had walked out to answer her call so the only thing Aubrey saw was people outside talking and it being dark outside.

"Oh-ok well I guess I can call you tomorrow"

"Are you mad?"

"No I just wanted to talk to you a little before going to bed"

"It's only 9 out there"

"Yeah well I'm just tired, I only stay up late when I'm around you" she said

"You okay?" He asked he felt like Aubrey's mood was off based off of her tone, but she was really just in a mid mood, not happy or sad.

"I'm okay, have fun"

"I'm gonna be home in an hour, you think you'll be awake?" He was planning on leaving in a few minutes and wanted to talk to her as much as she wanted to talk to him.

"I can try" she stated.

"Alright, talk to you later"

"Bye" she said before hanging up and laying flat on her back. She felt so out of place in a place that she'd previously lived in and it was weird to her.

The other thing that was bothering Aubrey was her relationship with her mother. She badly wanted to be close with her mother but in the past she'd forgive her and Amina would go back to her old ways, and Aubrey couldn't have that happen to her again. She was in a good place right now and wanted it to stay that way.

Her thoughts had put her to sleep and it was Josiah's facetime call that had awoken her from her cat nap.

"You slept a little?" He asked.

"Yeah, I didn't really want to wake up" she said

"You like Illinois?" He asked changing the subject. Josiah wanted to know what was going on during her trip.

"No, I'm ready to come home"

"Me too, 4 days is too long" he missed Aubrey a lot the parties with Leah weren't giving him the feeling he wanted.

"You've been partying I'm sure that's more fun than being up under me all day and night" Aubrey thought he was having the time of his life, when in reality he was crying in the club.

"You just say anything" he said laughing.

"Is that not true?"

"No I been kinda bored since you left"

"My mom was asking about you" she said

"You talked to her enough to tell her about me wow" he said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, we held a nice conversation actually"

"I'm happy for you" he said. Even though Aubrey said it didn't bother her that she didn't have relationships with her family, but he knew it did.

"You look sleepy"

"Had a long day"

"What did you do"

DEFINE.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora