Her mom surprised me by pulling me into a warm hug. "The pleasure is all ours."

   I smiled a little as she released me.

   Then, Luna cleared her throat.

   Katrina nodded. "Right, these are our friends, Luna and Julia."

Julia smiled politely and waved, while Luna walked up and pulled Sonny into a hug.

Sonny froze for a second before returning the hug. "Oh, I wouldn't have pegged you as a hugger."

Luna pulled away. "Normally I'm not, but it just looked nice. You have a nice face."

Sonny nodded slowly before turning back to Katrina. "So, honey, why don't you show our guests inside."

   She nodded before leading us into the house. The living room was small but cozy. A flower patterned couch sat in front of a modest TV and family pictures lined the walls.

   As everyone looked around, I made my way towards some of the pictures. One in particular caught my eye. It looked like a high school graduation photo. Katrina stood, smiling, next to another girl her age. The girl had her arm draped over Katrina's shoulders as she looked up at her lovingly.

   I felt a twinge of jealousy run through me as Katrina walked up next to me. "That's Daisy. We were inseparable through school."

I folded my arms over my chest. "She looks awfully fond of you."

Katrina let out a chuckle. "Is that jealousy I detect?"

   I shrugged. "No, just an observation."

   She took my hand in hers. "Mhmm, if you say so."

   Luna joined us before I could reply, staring at the picture as well, letting her eyes drift down to Daisy's chest. "Who's the pornstar?"

   Katrina gave her a nudge. "Hey."

   Luna raised her hands in fake surrender. "What? She could survive a car wreck with those things."

   I let out a laugh. "For once, I agree."

   Katrina rolled her eyes and smiled. "C'mon, you two, let's go check out the rest of the house."

   I gave Daisy one last glance before following the other two.

We grabbed Julia and headed upstairs to Katrina's old bedroom.

She stopped us at the door. "Ok, please ignore any embarrassing, angsty teen shit that may still live in this room."

We all shared a laugh before opening the door.

I looked on in shock at the room. "Wow... That's a lot of black."

She shrugged. "I may have went through a grunge phase when I was younger."

Luna and Julia walked inside, Luna flipping through a stack of CD's on Katrina's dresser. "What happened to this Katrina? I think I would've liked her."

Katrina ruffled her hair as she walked into the room, me following close behind.

Band posters hung from the black painted walls, witchy paraphernalia lined the tops of dressers and nightstands and a string of fairy lights hung from the ceiling.

"Just a 'phase' huh?" I asked jokingly.

She flashed me a smirk as Luna opened her closet. "Wow, creative."

We joined her and looked over the line of black, gothic clothes and band shirts hanging inside.

Katrina shut the doors. "Alright, I think that's enough touring for one day..."

We joined Katrina's parents for dinner after that before splitting up for the night. Julia and Luna shared the pull out sofa downstairs while I joined Katrina in her old room.

I sat up in her bed, reading over a creepy old book I found on her shelf as she got changed for the night.

"How'd you even read this stuff?" I asked.

She snatched the book from me. "With a cup full of pigs blood and a hooded robe."

I looked up at her, chuckling. "Now that I'd like to see."

She rolled her eyes before gesturing to herself. "So? How do I look?"

She wore an oversized Nirvana t-shirt, a hint of black, lacy underwear peaking out from underneath it.

I swallowed hard. "You look great..."

She crawled into bed next to me. "Well, thanks... hey, you know, you're the first girl in this bed since I was in high school."

I sighed eternally. "Please don't tell me it was Daisy."

She giggled. "Fine, it wasn't."

I let out a huff.

She laughed a little more as she crawled on top of me. "She really bothers you, doesn't she?"

I rolled my eyes before looking up at her. "No... She's just annoyingly gorgeous."

She smiled down at me. "Not as gorgeous as you."

I smiled a little in return. "I already agreed to marry you, you don't have to butter me up."

She laughed before leaning down to press a sweet kiss to my lips. "That's my point. I'm marrying you, not her."

I felt my face flush, a small smile tugging at my lips. "I guess you have a point there."

She leaned down to kiss me again. "Good, now I hope you're good at keeping quiet, I'd hate to wake my parents."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as she slid under the covers, her warm breath ghosting over my bare thighs.

"Just trust me."

I covered my mouth as her lips grazed my inner thighs now.

"Katrina, are you sure this is a good idea?" I whispered.

Her tongue pressing against me was the only answer I received.

'Ok, Shelby, just stay calm.' I thought to myself, one hand covering my mouth as the other tightened around the sheets.

My head lulled back, a moan building in my throat. 'This is gonna be a long night...'

Would You Escort Me Down The Isle? (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now