Chapter 10

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   It's been a little over a year since the wedding and everything was perfect. We moved into a small house in Katrina's hometown. I took a job at a local library and Katrina decided to give college another try.

   My parents actually mellowed out a little and it was nice to be around them. Even if Luna kept trying to talk them into adopting her.

   Speaking of Luna, her and Julia actually started dating. Which came as a surprise to all of us, including Julia herself.

   We haven't seen Daisy since the day of the wedding and honestly I was fine with that. I've never actually punched anyone and I didn't wanna embarrass myself.

   Yep, life was pretty great and we still made time for the girls club get together every Friday...

   I grabbed a beer from the fridge and joined Katrina at the table. She looked over her homework, chewing on her pencil.

   "You better finish that before the others get here or Luna might try to eat it again." I said.

   Katrina laughed, looking up at me. "You do realize she's a lunatic, right?"

   I raised my beer. "Yeah, but she's our lunatic."

   Katrina clinked her beer with mine. "True."

   We took a sip just as a knock rang out from the door.

   I stood. "I'll get it, you just finish that up."

   "Aye, captain." She replied with a little salute.

   I chuckled as I made my way to the door. But, just as I was about to open it, a loud thud bounced off of it.

   I retracted my hand.

   "What the hell was that?" Katrina added.

   Then, I heard Julia's slight moans through the door.

   I rolled my eyes, pulling the door open.

   Luna and Julia fell to the floor in front of me, Luna looking up at me from her spot on top.  "Way to ruin the moment." She said.

   "You realize this is a residential neighborhood, right? Kids play on this street." I replied.

   She stood up, helping Julia up after. "Sorry." Julia said.

   "Yeah, what she said, wine cooler's in the fridge?" Luna asked.

   I shook my head and laughed. "Yeah, make yourself at home."

   After a few drinks, we found ourselves in the living room, reminiscing.

   "I can't believe you dated that guy." Julia said with a roll of her eyes.

   Luna shrugged. "He was rich."

   "He would've snorted that money away before you ever got your hands on it." Katrina said.

   "She's got a point." I added.

   Luna rolled her eyes. "Fine, it wasn't my finest moment..." She took Julia's hand. "But, I'm happy now, and that's all that matters."

   They shared a smile and a kiss.

   "I still can't believe you guys are dating." I said.

   "Seriously. I thought you hated each other." Katrina added.

   Julia smirked. "She's all bark until you get her tied up."

   "Alright." I said, sighing.

   Luna smirked back. "You just remember who wears the pants outside the bedroom."

   Katrina stood up then. "I need another beer."

   "I'll join you." I said, following her into the kitchen.

   We cracked open a couple beers and watched as the other two flirted back and forth.

   "Well, they're kinda cute together." Katrina said.

   "Yeah... Slightly nauseating. But, cute." I replied.

   She chuckled, holding her beer up. I clinked her bottle with mine before taking a sip...

   After the other two left, Katrina and I laid down in our bed, staring up at the ceiling.

   "You think they'll ever get married?" Katrina asked.

   I chuckled. "Julia's not rich or old."

   Katrina returned my laugh. "True... But, they seem happy."

   I took Katrina's hand from under the covers. "And I'm happy for them."

   She turned to face me. "Me to."

   I gave her a small smile before leaning in to press a kiss to her lips.

   Then another.

   As the kisses deepened, Katrina crawled on top of me, kissing from my lips down to my neck.

   I pulled my shirt over my head as her kisses trailed down to my chest.

   I tangled my hands in her hair, a slight moan escaping me.

   Her kisses traveled down my stomach to my waist.

   She flashed me a smirk as she pulled my panties off. "I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship."

   I sat up, pulling her into another kiss. "Is that a challenge?"

   She laughed as I rolled us over, taking my place on top of her.

   I pulled her shirt off before locking my lips with hers once again. "I'll show you who wears the pants."

   We started to laugh, battling each other for, well, pants I guess...

   We may've started out as total strangers, but now I couldn't imagine my life without her. She brought something I was lacking. Adventure. And I couldn't have asked for a better person to escort me through this crazy thing we call life...

The End


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