Chapter 1

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"So, why haven't you spoken to your parents in thirteen-ish years?" Katrina asked.

I sighed. "Let's just say, we didn't always see eye to eye on certain things."

   "What kinda things?" Julia asked.

   I took a quick glance at her, a slight scoff escaping me. "My parents are what you call... good old, god fearing Americans and my... 'orientation' didn't exactly mesh with their beliefs."

   Luna started laughing again. "This just keeps getting better and better."

   "Thanks for the support." I replied sarcastically.

   Katrina rested her hand on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Maybe they've gotten past that. You're still their daughter after all."

   I lowered my head. "I doubt it..."

   The rest of the ride passed by in silence and soon enough, we were turning onto my parents street.

   "Holy shit." Luna said.

   "You didn't tell me your parents were rich." Katrina added.

   "I didn't tell you much of anything about them until today." I replied.

   "Can we... can we stay here forever?" Julia asked, looking around at all the mansions lining the street.

   "No." I said sternly.

Julia lowered her head. "Fine..."

"Which house is your parents?" Katrina asked.

I let out a small breath. "The one on the corner."

"You mean the biggest one on the street?" Luna asked.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Yeah, that one."

Katrina pulled into the driveway, being forced to stop at the large, locked gate.

"Now what?" She asked, facing me.

I got out and walked over to the intercom, pressing the buzzer.

"Who is it?" A voice rang out.

"It's me, dad." I replied.

"I'm sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." He said.

I let out a long breath, rubbing my forehead.

I took a quick glance back at everyone else before whispering into the intercom. "It's... Seashell."

"Oh, my darling little Seashell, it's been way to long. Please, come in." He said, the gate slowly creaking open.

I got back into the car with a sigh and a roll of my eyes.

"Seashell?" Luna questioned.

I turned to her, sticking my finger in her face. "Don't even start."

"You have my word... my darling little Seashell." She replied, laughing.

The other two joined her.

I folded my arms over my chest and mumbled to myself. "Assholes..."

We finally pulled up to the front door and everyone got out, looking up at the huge mansion in awe.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, let's get this over with."

   They followed me up to the front door and I rang the door bell.

   An intricate tune rang out and the door opened shortly after, my parents' smiling faces greeting us.

   "Oh, sweetie, we're so happy to see you." My mom started.

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