Chapter 3

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Katrina and I sat at the kitchen table with my parents, finishing up the long and crazy tale of how we wound up here.

"... And that's kinda it, I guess." I finished.

My parents were quiet for what felt like forever... Then, my mom smiled, taking my dads hand in hers. "And I thought our story was crazy."

My dad chuckled lightly. "Me to, dear."

I looked between the two of them. "So, you're not mad?"

They shared a smile before shaking their heads. "No, Seashell. You two share a crazy, magical, fairytale-like story that can only strengthen the bond between you. Stories like that only come along once in a lifetime and it'd be crazy to shrug it off. The world brought you together for a reason and I'll be damned if we're gonna stand in the way of that."

My mom nodded. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

I smiled at them, feeling Katrina's hand in mine then. "I love you guys."

"We love you to, seashell." My dad said.

Katrina cleared her throat. "So, we'll be seeing you at the wedding then?"

They nodded. "Of course." My dad said.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." My mom added.

Before I could respond, the sound of slight sniffles made their way into the kitchen.

We all looked over, seeing Luna and Julia standing in the doorway, Julia wiping at her eyes while Luna massaged her shoulders.

"That was beautiful..." Julia said.

Luna rolled her eyes slightly as the rest of us started to laugh...

After giving my parents the venue address, we said our goodbyes and hit the road once again, heading for Katrina's parents house...

The wind blew through my hair as we made our way down the highway, the sun starting to set in the distance.

I glanced over at Katrina. "So, how much longer till we reach your parents house?"

She shrugged. "A few hours or so. I was thinking we could get a hotel for the night and head out tomorrow morning."

I nodded, taking her hand in mine. "Sounds good to me."

Luna suddenly leaned up between us. "Please tell me you're not sticking me with Julia all night."

"Hey." Julia said defensively.

Katrina and I laughed. "It'll be cheaper to do it that way. Unless you wanna pay for your own room." I replied.

She sat back, folding her arms over her chest. "Fine... But don't blame me if Julia doesn't make it to tomorrow."

Julia glanced nervously between Luna and me. "A-are you gonna... Kill me?"

Luna winked at her. "It'd be a lot easier when you're asleep. Less of a struggle."

Julia scooted away from Luna before facing me again. "Shelby, can we have our own rooms?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "No. Luna's just kidding."

"Says who?" Luna asked.

"Luna, stop threatening Julia." Katrina said.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm sorry."

Katrina smiled. "Thank you."

After finding a hotel for the night, Katrina and I split off from the group, heading up to our room.

We set our bags down before plopping down on the small couch.

Katrina glanced around the room. "Well, it's nothing special. But, it'll do."

I smiled, running my hand up her thigh. "At least its got a nice, big bed..."

She flashed me a smirk. "What're you implying, miss Porter?"

I trailed my finger down her neck, shrugging. "Nothing much... Just that it'd be an awful shame to waste a bed like that."

She giggled, capturing my lips in a warm kiss.

As the kiss grew deeper, she stood, pulling me up with her.

I let out an excited squeal when she hoisted me up, holding me like a new bride.

"Katrina Banner, escort, at your service, ma'am." She said with a smile.

I returned it. "How thoughtful of you, gorgeous."

We shared a laugh as she walked us over to the bed, gently setting me down before crawling on top of me.

Her lips were warm against my skin, a fiery trail making their way up my neck as her hand ran under my shirt.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as her lips finally found mine.

My breathing picked up, her hand gliding over my inner thighs.

Then, she pulled her head back, whispering. "I think we're a little overdressed for this party."

I nodded. "You know what? You're so right."

We laughed as we quickly stripped out of our clothes, tossing them to the floor.

Then, her lips crashed back against mine, her hand roaming over my chest, down my stomach... Then, lower...

My head laid on her bare chest, the sound of her steadying heartbeat ringing through my ears.

Her hand lazily ran through my hair. "I love you." She whispered.

I smiled up at her. "I love you to."

She smiled back. "So, how're you feeling about this whole thing?"

I rested my head back on her chest, running my finger along her stomach. "Better now that my parents are on board... I'm really happy they're coming."

She rubbed my shoulder. "Me to."

Eventually, we drifted off to sleep, excited to head out bright and early tomorrow morning...

A loud knock startled us awake.

We shared a glance before looking towards the door, just as another knock rang out.

I rolled out of bed, throwing my clothes back on. "I'll get it."

Katrina pulled the covers back over herself. "Ok... I'll be here..." She muttered, drifting back to sleep.

I chuckled a little as I opened the door, seeing Julia standing on the other side.

She looked around nervously. "Hey, uh, good morning."

"Morning. Is everything alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah... Well, aside from Luna staring at me all night..."

I laughed lightly. "Why don't you go wait in the car? We'll be right out."

She nodded again before walking off.

After getting Katrina up and dressed, we met Julia and Luna in the car.

"So, how'd everyone sleep?" Katrina asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"I didn't..." Julia said, suppressing a yawn.

Luna smiled. "I slept like a baby."

Julia glanced at her. "How? You were watching me all night."

She smirked. "Or was I..?"

Julia rolled her eyes. "You definitely were."

I shook my head, laughing. "Anyway, how much further?"

"Just under two hours." Katrina replied.

I rested my hand on her thigh. "Great, I can't wait to meet your parents..."

Would You Escort Me Down The Isle? (GxG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora