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Jett entered the hotel room quietly. It was almost six in the morning and he had just wrapped up filming. He was exhausted and ready to rest. His energy had been sucked away from the long hours and evidence captured like a vacuum. It was a good location, but his thoughts were crowded with Sadie, and surprisingly, he was okay with that. He actually felt safer and calmer having her presence in his mind.

Sadie was still sound asleep on the bed, curled on her side with her hands tucked under her face. She looked radiant. His angel.

He knew she was an early riser and would be up any minute, and as tempted as he was to crawl in bed with her, he desperately wanted to shower and rinse away all the dust and grime from the night.

When he exited the bathroom, Sadie was sitting up in bed, looking out the window.

"Hey, pretty girl," Jett greeted, running the towel through his hair one last time before dropping it on a chair. He flopped stomach first on the bed with a relaxed sigh.

She couldn't help but chuckle when the bed bounced at Jett's weight from his practical belly flop.

"I missed you," Sadie said. "I hope you had a good night."

"I always miss you," he said, patting the bed to encourage her to lay back down beside him. Sadie excused herself to the bathroom before coming back to lay with Jett.

Jett turned to his back, and Sadie layed beside him, slowly scooting closer until her head rested on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tight.

"I hate to tell you this, but I am going to need a few hours of sleep," he yawned

"I was beginning to wonder if you were a vampire," Sadie teased.

Jett rolled his eyes playfully, drumming his fingers on her ribs causing her to giggle and squirm away.

"Can I at least get a good morning kiss?" Sadie pouted, lifting her head towards his.

Jett sighed dramatically, "but it's a good night kiss for me."

Sadie pressed her lips to his, cupping his face, committing the feel of his skin to memory.

When she moved away, Jett kissed her forehead. He wished every investigation ended like this. His mind felt so clear, he wasn't lost in the fog that normally took him days to sort out.

"Sleep tight, J," Sadie whispered, and Jett smiled as she covered them both with a blanket

Sadie layed with him for a while, feeling so cozy and content, but eventually decided to venture out to find some coffee or something.

She took a novel with her, flashing back to the day she first met Jett. It felt like forever ago, but also not that long. It had been a crazy couple of months.

She found some coffee and read her book for about an hour before she went back to the hotel.

She entered quietly, but Jett was already awake.

"Jett!" Sadie said. "You should be sleeping. You're exhausted."

"I slept for almost two hours. Where did you go?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. His voice was thick with sleep and a yawn escaped his mouth.

"Just to get coffee," she walked towards him, and Jett pulled her so she was sitting between his legs. He rested his chin on her head, and wrapped his arms around her torso tightly.

Sadie thought he looked so cute with his ruffled hair and sleepy eyes. She could stay in his embrace all day long.

"I know we haven't been together long, but you make me feel like I can accomplish anything. You're so calm and sweet, I don't know what I would do without you in my life," he started.

Sadie blushed. Where was he going with this? She opened her mouth to ask him but he shushed her with a gentle kiss.

"I love you, Sadie. More than I have ever loved anybody else. You complete me," Jett whispered. He knew it was a lot for her, and he waited patiently for her to react in some kind of way.

"Jett, I really don't like those words. I think they are thrown around carelessly and overused, but if love is the way you call to check in on me every night, or the way you are patient when I get nervous, then I love you, too."

Jett bent his head down to press his lips to hers as a big smile grew on his face.

"We're just going to have to figure out a code phrase for I love you then," Jett chuckled. He had to be the luckiest man alive.

"I guess I will make an exception for you," Sadie teased.

He kissed her forehead and released a content sigh. He could do anything with Sadie by his side.

Sadie closed her eyes in bliss. Jett was the best thing that could have ever happened to her. She never would have thought that he would be her person, but he was everything she had dreamed about. Her paranormal investigator.

The End

Under InvestigationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora