Chapter 1

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Julie couldn't believe it. She was finally touching Luke for the first time. They could actually touch. After all the  almost hand holding where her hand went straight through; she could finally feel him. He feels surprisingly warm. It was as if she got the gift of touch for the first time.

She was touching Luke.

They both put their hands on each other's cheeks and before they knew what they were doing they kissed. Something they wanted to do since they first met. When they first laid eyes on each other they knew they had a connection. When they sing they "ooze chemistry" as Reggie says. They kiss making both Alex and Reggie's mouths drop and excited silently screaming to each other. They lift up and when they realize what they did they start to get nervous and blush.

"How can I feel you?" Julie asks feeling his cheeks and chest and hands. "I don't know," Luke says doing the same thing and smiling. "I feel stronger." Luke says as he's glowing. Julie gets an idea and looks at the other guys. "Alex Reggie come." They both walk over and they have one big group hug. They all start glowing too.

"I...don't feel as weak anymore." Reggie says. "Yeah me neither." Alex agrees smiling. "You think we can try that hug thing one more time?" Reggie says smiling. They all smile and hug again. "I like this," Reggie says. "Me too," Julie smiles so happy she can finally hug her friends. They all lift up and see the stamp from Caleb lift up and disappear.

"What do you think that means?" Julie asks. Luke smiles. "I think the band is back." Julie smiles big. They all share one last hug which they still can't get enough of and will probably hug a lot more in the future.

After they lift up, Julie sighs happily. "Well this was an eventful evening." "Definitely...and are we not gonna talk about how you two kissed right in front of us." Alex says looking at both of them smiling big. Julie and Luke both blush. "Well...if you haven't known...we've had feelings for each other for a while." Reggie and Alex pretend to look shocked. "How could we have known?! Maybe it was the fact that you two can never take your eyes off each other during our songs."

"I told Luke you guys oozed chemistry! But he tried to deny it!"

"I told you to never say ooze again. But, yeah you guys have serious chemistry and we were waiting for one of you to own up to your feelings." Julie and Luke blush more smiling. "Well...I should probably head up to bed." "Alright good night Julie!" Alex and Reggie both said and hugged her, really happy they could do that now. They both went up to the loft. Luke tried to hide his disappointment in Julie leaving, but what Julie told him next really surprised him.

"Luke..want to come with me to my room?"

Luke's eyes went wide. "Really?" Julie nods and smiles. Luke smiles and takes her hand. Julie leads him to her room. They walk upstairs cautiously, not sure if he can be seen by others yet. They make it to her room and they walk in, Julie closing the door. Luke looks around smiling. "What are you smiling at you've been in my room before." Luke smiles. "Yeah...but never properly invited. You always yelled at me when I came in here." Julie giggles. "Well in my defense you always came in without knocking, but now you can come in whenever you want now." Luke smiles bigger and just scoops her up and spins her making her squeal. "Luke!" Luke chuckles and kisses her. She kisses back. They get in her bed and cuddle in each other's arms.


"Yes Julie?"

"I like this."

"Me too."
hiii guys! so i've been reading A LOT of juke fanfics and it made me want to write one of my own! i hope you all like this! jatp is AMAZING and i am obsessed and especially with juke!! i did use some of the same dialogue from the last ep but the rest is my own! i hope you all will enjoy this story!!

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