Come back to me

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Me and Anna arrived home and we decided to watch a movie before we went for dinner. We sat down and watched the breakfast club and cuddled, Anna was on her phone and I saw she was looking at baby stuff which made me so happy.

A few hours later the movie finished. "I'm gonna go home to pick out a nice outfit from their because I realised I don't have any nice dinner outfits and I forgot a bunch of makeup and hair stuff their too so pick me up in an hour?" Anna asked "sure, but what about your parents" I responded with "my fathers on a work trip and I saw on my mother's Facebook she's back in New York" she assured me.

I drove Anna over to her house and I then left and drove back home but once I got back inside I had a really chesty cough and felt like I couldn't breath, I lost my balance and fell on the ground. "Chase what's happening are you okay?" My mom asked panicking. I couldn't talk very well and next thing I knew was that i was on my way to the hospital, once we arrived I fainted and a doctor came rushing up and everything was a blur from there.

I was getting ready for my date with Chase, I showered and got in a nice outfit before doing my makeup, I was about to plug my curling iron in before I got a call from Chase, I answered and it was his mom. "Hi Anna oh something awful happened. Chase is in hospital" Chases mom told me, my heart dropped before I responded with "what happened will be be okay" "I'm not sure doctors are with him we aren't aloud in but I think you should get here soon" chases mom convinced me, "yeah sure I'll get an Uber" I responded with and hung up.

I couldn't believe what just happened, I called an Uber and once it arrived I got in, it hadn't fully sunk in that Chase was in hospital it felt like a nightmare.

Next thing I know is that I'm walking through the hospital doors and into the waiting area to see chases mom, dad, and sister all sitting looking upset. I sit down next to his mom who gives me a reassuring smile before the nurse comes through.

"It's not looking good, he's barely opening his eyes, but he's aware of who's around him. Therefore the cancer it's looking bad the chemotherapy was working but it's taken a tole on him, but feel free to go see him" the nurse told us. "Cancer?" I said confused with tears in my eyes. "Awww honey did he not tell you, I'm sorry he said he would but yes he has cancer, he got diagnosed a few weeks ago and had been getting chemotherapy" chases mom explained to me with tears in her eyes. I would be annoyed at Chase that he kept something this big but how could I so I just hugged his mom before heading through to see Chase with his family.

I sat down next to him and held his hand, I was mad at myself that I didn't know, I should've been able to figure it out but I didn't and that's probably what Chase was going to tell me tonight at dinner.

"We are all gonna go get food for dinner do you want to come?" Chases mom asked me because it had been a few hours and they went by so fast. "No it's okay" I said "okay but do you want us to bring you something back?" Chases mom asked, "no I'm okay thanks though" I responded with "okay" his mom said back and they all left to get food.

"I'm so sorry Chase please come back to me, I love you so much and I'm never going to be able to raise this baby myself and I need you so please come back to me" I cried and I then felt Chase squeeze my hand. "Chase, if you can hear me please come back to me" I cried and I then saw his eyes flickering and he smiled at me. I smiled through my tears but then he started coughing really badly, "nurse we need help!" I shouted and a nurse came running through everything was a blur from there but a few seconds later I heard a beep, it was the machine he was attached to, he's dead.

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