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I woke up and I was in the hospital. Everything was a blur, I saw my parents and Chase they were all asleep in a chair, I looked at the time and in was 4am the next day, I looked at my arm and I saw all the cuts from the night before, it brought back awful flashbacks. "Mother" I said quietly and everyone woke up slowly. "Thank god your alright" my father said, his face was all white and everyone looked really worried. "What were you thinking Anna" My father genuinely said. "I have been getting so much hate and it's all really getting to me and I don't know what happened last night but I have a sudden urge to die" tears filled with my eyes as I said that, my parents hugged me and said "we will be back soon, we are going to find out more information from the doctor", "come get in?" I asked as I moved over on the bed to give Chase space to sit in he cuddled me and kept making sure I was okay.

"The doctor thinks you should stay here for another night, he says that your lucky we found you when we did and you didn't loose anymore blood" my Mother told me. "Okay I'm really sorry what I did" I explained to my parents "it's okay sweetie we aren't mad we are just happy that your alright, but do you maybe think that you should take some time off social media for a bit?" My father asked. "Yeah I think that would be best" I replied with "but you can go home and get some rest I'll be fine here for the rest of the day and tonight you can just come back and pick me up tomorrow" I insisted "are you sure?" My mother asked "yes honestly" I said. My parents agreed "just call us if you need anything" my mother whispered in my ear, they gave me a hug and left. "You can go home too if you want" I told Chase "I'm sorry are you trying to get rid of me Anastasia?" Chase said sarcastically "no" I giggled "I just think you should go home and get some rest" I explained "no I want to stay here with you" he said as he kissed my forehead. Me and Chase cuddled and fell back asleep.

I woke up with the nurse waking in, Chase got out the bed and the nurse said "hi I'm Robin and I'm going to be taking care of you till you go home" she said. She gave me some antibiotics "these should help with the pain" she added. I took them and then I saw Addison, Avani and Bryce walk through the door, my heart dropped when I saw them "Are you okay Anna? What happened" Avani blurted out, "how did you guys know I was here?" I asked "your location on your phone was on and we wanted to make sure everything was okay" Bryce explained. "I- uhhhhh" I stammered, "wait are you suicidal" Addison shrieked as she looked at my arm, everyone else looked at my arm. "Well uh no I mean I did something last night, I was reading a bunch of hate comments on Instagram and they really got to me and yeah, I went really deep and needed to come to hospital, but I'm fine now and I'm going home tomorrow" I explained to them. Addison, Bryce and Avani all came and gave me a huge hug and I hugged them back. "I'm so sorry" Avani stammered. They all sat down and we were talking about the hate I was getting and I showed them some comments, "maybe you should take some time of of social media" Bryce suggested, "yeah that's what I'm going to do for a while, but I love my life so it was like I was a different person last night" I tried to explain to everyone. We hung out for a bit, Addison, Avani and Bryce offered to stay but I insisted that I'm fine and they should go home, they all gave me a hug before leaving.

The nurse brought me through some food but the hospital food looked rank and I wasn't that hungry anyway. "I can go get some food from chick-fil-a if you want" Chase asked me "no I'm good thanks I'm not even that hungry right now anyway" I told him " okay just let me know when you are and we can go get food, Chase crawled into my bed and pulled my laptop out of his bag "I brought this just in case we got bored" Chase added. We went on Netflix and I really wanted to watch Mean Girls because it's my favourite movie, I know Chase doesn't like it but he agreed to watch it and we cuddled and I fell asleep in his arms.

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