"Sit down" he demands back.

Anger rises through my body before I begin going off at Dominic.

"I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY BOYFRIEND, THE MAN I THOUGHT I LOVED, HAS BEEN LYING TO ME AND ABUSING ME FOR OUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP. I GOT ATTACKED AND BEATEN UP BY THE MAN I WAS HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH, THE MAN I TRUSTED MORE THAN I TRUSTED MY OWN JUDGEMENT. HE TRIED TO FUCKING KILL ME, DOMINIC. AND THEN HE DIED RIGHT ON TOP OF ME" My eyes begin to pool with tears, I cry when I'm extremely angry which is a trait I hate. "I SPENT NEARLY TWO FUCKING YEARS BLAMING MYSELF FOR HIS DEATH" I paused to take a deep breathe in. I continue calmer this time "now I have a brother who just happened to be this mans best friend who is probably sitting at home and grieving his death for the second fucking time. And you expect me to stay here and sit down?" I question.

He stays silent for a while before replying quietly. "I'll drive."

I nod and follow Dominic.

In the car a question comes to mind. I turn to look at Dominic who is focused on driving, "why did you have a gun?" I ask him with a confused expression clear on my face. His eyes slightly widen, but he recovers quickly. He hesitates for a second before answering, "I just grabbed it from one of the guards."

I stare at him for a bit longer, debating whether to believe him or not. I choose to not question it further and nod before turning back to the window.

I assume the hoodie belongs to Dominic. It carries his addicting scent of overly expensive cologne, the sea, and mint.

I breathe it in on the car ride back to Kyle's apartment and can't help but feel safe.

We arrive and I open the door without knocking.

I storm in and notice the shattered glass and blood on the floor, the first aid kit is open on the kitchen counter. When I realise Kyle isn't in the kitchen or the living room, I walk towards his room.

I knock lightly on the door. No reply.

I knock harder on this time. Still no reply.

I hear shuffling from inside so I scoff as I open the door harshly.

I let out an ear damaging scream when I see my best friend and brother laying in the bed half naked.

This is definitely not what I expected when I said he was grieving.

Nora jumps up in shock and looks around the room hurriedly, taking in what happened while Kyle, who looks like he had just woken up seconds before I entered, tightly shuts his eyes in regret.

Dominic runs into the room with a hand behind his back and looks around quickly. He relaxes when he sees who's in the room, his eyes widen when he realises what's going on. He doesn't say anything as he quickly turns around and walks back into the kitchen.

Nora and Kyle turn their heads to each other and both their eyes hold regret.

I'm about to turn around and walk out the door to join Dominic in cleaning the mess in the kitchen when I take one last look at Nora.

My blood boils and my heartbeat speeds up as I look at the bruises on her collar, arms and neck.

She looks at me with a hint of pain and sorrow in her eyes.

I walk towards the other end of the room and throw a random shirt at her before walking out the door and closing it.

I walk into the kitchen where Dominics focus lies his phone. The floor is clean of glass and he lifts his head to turn to me.

I look at him and he looks at me.

He begins to burst into laughter, with me following.

I put my hand over my stomach to try and stop the pain as he does the same.

Two battered people laughing their asses off in pain.

Normal things.

We finally begin to calm down when Nora limps into the kitchen wearing the large shirt I threw at her and a pair of black shorts. Her long caramel hair is messy and placed in a bun on top of her head.

I look to Dominic, who's attention is back on his phone, and grab Nora's arm lightly.

I pull her into my room and sit her down on my bed.

"I'm so sor-" she blurts out in desperation.

"What happened?" I cut her off.

She looks at me confused so I clear my voice and rephrase my question.

"Where did you get the bruises from?"

Her eyes widen at this and she opens her mouth slightly before she begins speaking.

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