Act III. Sc 3 | Locked and loaded

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Just keep walking, was all Eunbi could think about as she exited the lunch room. The area where her locker was happened to be in one of the farthest places from the cafeteria itself, therefore she was hoping to find some alone time to as she switches out her things for her next class.

Little did she know that someone happened to be following her.

In the lunch room after Eunbi leaves...

"Hey guys, I gotta go use the bathroom but the bell's probably gonna ring before I get back here so I'm just gonna take my stuff. You'll be fine staying here right Chaeryoung?" Jaemin tells the group.

"Yeah it's fine. I'll just leave with Nayeon. She happens to be in my next class anyway," she replies.

"Alright, see you guys later," earning him a bunch of farewells.

Meanwhile, Chenle and Jisung were whispering to themselves, trying to figure out the whole situation.

"How much you wanna bet Jaemin's just lying and he actually went after Eunbi," Jisung told Chenle.

"I ain't even gonna bet on this bro. I'm 100% sure he's gonna go after her. Wanna go watch?" he answers.

"Oh you bet."

"I don't think I've ever been this happy to see my locker," Eunbi says slightly panting.

"If I could just grab my textbook real qui—"


"What the fuck?" Eunbi was getting ready to fight whoever slammed her locker door shut.

"Hello to you too," Jaemin tuts.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be eating with the rest of the gang? And in case you forgot, your locker is right across mines."

"Did you really just leave early to get ready for your next class?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was it just an excuse to leave the table?"

At this point, Eunbi's heart started beating faster, scared that Jaemin was catching on quicker than she ever thought he could.

"Why would I make an excuse to leave early? You know that I'm always willing to help a teacher out."

"You have Mrs. Lim next right? She has a sub today. I know because I had her before lunch," Jaemin states ever so confidently.

Oh shoot, Eunbi gulps.

"Is that so? Huh, guess I got my schedule mixed up today. Well might as well get there early either way right?" she adds.

"And that's where you're wrong," Jaemin says as he latched his grip onto her wrist, pinning her onto the lockers.

"What is this, a k-drama?" Eunbi said, visibly getting annoyed.

"No it's real life. And I'm here to ask you why'd you lie?"

"Why do you care so much if I lie or not? It's none of your business," Eunbi answers rolling her eyes.

Disregarding what she said, Jaemin asks "Did you lie because you were jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? When was I ever jealous?"

"You don't think I don't see you getting annoyed with Chaeryoung? The poor girl hasn't done anything to you."

"Why the hell would I be jealous of a junior? I've got other things to worry about."

"So were you jealous?"

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