Tim was flagging her down from his table. She didn't know anyone else on the ship, so who else was she going to talk to? She sat down in front of Tim. They were surrounded by a few people, but they were in their own worlds of conversation. She didn't really feel like talking to Tim, or anyone, but she hated the feeling of being alone more.

"I won't even ask how you slept," Tim said. "I can see them. Hanging like hammocks."

"You don't look so hot, yourself," Sara said. "How many? Two? Maybe three?"

"Color me stupid, but I was just worried last night. Did Maria sleep okay?"

"She slept fine. She snores in her sleep."

Tim smiled. "Yes, she got that from me. Although, she did get her mother's eyes and beautiful hair. The snoring... I missed it last night. It let me know she was still there. I didn't have it to remind me she was okay."

"She's doing okay. Autistic people tend to worry more about the smaller things than the big ones. As long as she had Glamour Girls, she was okay."

"The lights didn't bother her? Bed wasn't uncomfortable?"

"No, she didn't complain about anything today. She's taking this... surprisingly well."

"That's good to hear. Now that she's taken care of for now... how are you doing?"

"Me? I thought we were talking about Maria."

"She's doing well, you said. You were honest about her, so be honest about yourself for a minute. I know you lost some people. It's hard. The first day, it's like a big hole in your heart. The second, it gets a little bigger. Eventually, it turns into a paradox of sadness and regret. If you're not careful, you'll get yourself caught in the black hole, and it's very hard to get out."

This was suddenly getting too personal for her. She was about to make a smart comment back when her wrist beeped. She checked and saw it was a message from Mansell.

[Meeting in five at the bridge. Don't be late.]

"Did you get a message just now?" Sara pointed to his comm.

"No? Why?"

"Oh, no reason. Guess security is having a meeting this morning," she said. "It's a little exciting to be promoted. I feel like Mark's dad or James's... father..."

She was about to drone on when she remembered they were likely dead.

"Well, gotta go!" She said quickly.

She made her escape from the unwanted conversation. The bridge had twelve officers monitoring space, as well as six others in a security uniform. She was number seven, the oddball recruit. She was the last one to show up. Damien cleared his throat.

"Miss Whitfield," he said. "Please fall in line with your comrades."

She slid sideways next to a guy with hair tied into a ponytail. He gave her a quick glance but stayed facing forward.

"Now that everyone is here," he started, "Let's make it a routine for everyone to show up here, at eight, for a daily detail on what tasks need to be taken place. Is that clear?"

He asked everyone, but he was looking at Sara when he did. Everyone confirmed in unison.

"Good. Here's what's going to happen. We're looking at a potential panic, so we need to be on guard. Lots of people will be emotional. We've all been impacted by these... unforeseen circumstances, but there are very few of us to keep the population in control. Don't be afraid to use force if you have to."

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