Chapter Five - My house?

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(2nd Person POV)

You sped through your Ultimate studies in no time, the monsters upped your performance. In just 2 hours you had washed, cut and styled 8 wigs! After doing the hair of the last mannequin, you rushed to your home room. There, you saw a small blonde boy and a tall grey haired girl.
"Hey Peko, hey Fuyu!" You called, taking a seat on the table they were sitting at, "Thought i'd find you two here."
Peko gave a small smile but Fuyuhiko said nothing, deep in thought.
You pretended to be upset, "Baby Gangsta, no 'hello' to your bestie?"

He looked up at you before saying, "Y/n can I talk to you.." he paused, "alone?" The short boy looked at Peko then began to walk towards the door. Obviously you followed, but you were still concerned. Once out the room, Fuyuhiko let out a small sigh,
"It's Peko." He muttered under his breath.

"What about her?"

"I-," He stopped, looking down at his feet, "Y/n what is it like having feelings for someone?"

Not catching the hint, you thought for a moment, the only crushes you had really had were back in primary school. Or so you thought...

(Y/n POV)

"Had I had any crushes recently?" I thought. I then turned back to look at my best friend,
"Well, you don't feel satisfied with being just their friend, you fell as though you want more. Maybe when you are around them, your heart speeds up or your cheeks get flushed, that's having a crush!"
Fuyuhiko looked up at me raising one eyebrow then, it hit me!
"OMG FUYU YOU LIKE PEKO!?" That earned me a slap round the face.

"Shut up dickhead, she can't know yet!!" Fuyuhiko had a stern look in his eyes.

"Oki sorryyyyyyy," I whined, "I'm just so happy for you!!"

"Yea yea whatever," he scoffed, blushing slightly.
I always knew those a two were close, I mean Peko never left Fuyuhiko's side yet it never occurred to me that they could be more than friends. I may have only ever been in 1 relationship however, I already had the perfect plan. We walked back into the room together and were greeted by Peko.
"Everything ok?" She asked politely.

I sent her a cheerful smile, "Yup, between you and me, Baby Gangsta was talking to me about homework for another class but he was a tad embarrassed that he didn't understand!" I chucked, secretly winking at Fuyu who looked unimpressed by my comment.

"Anyways guys i've got something I need to attend to se see you next period!" I ran out of the room before either of them could say a word. There was someone I needed to find!

I rushed up the stairs to the roof and there he was.
"Fiend, why are you running? Are you trying to frighten me? Well i'm afraid that won't work for I am Gundham Tanaka!" The tall boy yelled before looking back at the hamsters he was feeding.

"Heyyy Gundy," He looked at me, flustered by the nickname, and pulled his scarf over his nose, "wanna do me a favour?"

"And what, may I ask, does this favour entail?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to..." I paused, rethinking my word choice, "Accompany me to my lair?"

Gundham's cheeks were dusted pink as he replied, "May I ask what for, dear mortal?"

DEAR MORTAL? Huh? Whats with the dear?? I believed I could trust Gundham so I let him in on the secret, "I'm planning to get Fuyuhiko and Peko together!" I whisper into his ear.
A look of shock struck his pale face as I pulled away. Could I trust him?

"I accept!"

(Quick A/N: I'm writing this when i'm extremely tired so don't at me if there's mistakes or it doesn't make sense)

(3rd person POV)

Y'n was star struck; she didn't believe that Gundham would accept so easily- she even had a whole persuasion speech prepared.

"I accept your invite to your lair but only to help the tiny mortal and the sword mortal, am
I clear?" The Supreme Overlord of Ice stared y/n down making her feel quite

She stuttered, "I know, I know but you've gotta loosen up, have a bit of fun you know!?"


~~Time Skip brought to you by the Ryoma simps (me)~~

It was the end of last period and the h/c haired girl was practically dragging the Ultimate Breeder towards the bus stop. Her friends Peko and Fuyuhiko said to meet her there and that they'd all get the bus back to y/n's house!

"C'mon Gundham,
your so slow!!" She yelled, running towards the bus.

"Mortal will you slow down!? The red transporter does not leave for another 10 minutes!" Gundham gasped for air after being tugged around by an excitable y/n. They finally met with Fuyu and Peko then got on the bus, Gundham and y/n say next to each other sharing earbuds as usual leaving Peko and Boss Baby behind them. She had never really noticed it but y/n found Gundham's humming quite calming, it was deep and rough but also soft in a sense. As he hummed along to 'Oh Ana' by Mother Mother, y/n closed her e/c eyes and hummed with him. He had obviously noticed but continued nonetheless.

And then, they arrived at y/n's house!!

(909 words)

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