Chapter one- Welcome to Hopes Peak

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(1st person)
*Buzz Buzz*
I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing next to me.
*Buzz Buzz*
"Alright i'm up!" I exclaimed sitting up right and rubbing my sandy eyes vigorously. I picked up the phone and it read: Baby Gangsta😎 is calling... so I immediately answered.
"Hey Fuyu!"
"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WHY WEREN'T YOU ANSWERING MY CALLS!?" The voice of my best friend blasted through the speakers.
"Uhm chill Boss Baby, what's so important you have to call me so early it's only," I look at the alarm clock standing on my bedside table, "7:30 in the morning!" I reply sluggishly.
Fuyuhiko yelled down the line, "YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T REMEMBER YOU IDIOT?"
"No?" I answer in confusion, what is he talking about?
I suddenly remembered that the Summer break has ended and it was a Monday morning....

(Flashback- 3rd Person)

It was another normal day, you were practicing on your little sister's hair with a new style she asked for when a letter came through the door.
"Mum!!" You yelled, "Post!"
However, she didn't reply so you set down your comb and went to the front door. As you picked up the letter, you noticed it was addressed to you so (without hesitation) you ripped it open. A formal-looking letter flew out from the envelope and you rushed to catch it. Unfolding it, three words catch your eye: Hopes Peak Academy!
"OMG!" You screamed before reading the letter aloud.
"Dear y/n l/n,
This letter has been written to inform you that you have been accepted into Hopes Peak Academy. You will begin school on the 7th of September 2021
(Ignore the date, I didn't know what year to put)
in class 1-B with Miss Yukizome. We hope to see you soon.
Hopes Peak Academy."

(End of Flashback)
Fuyuhiko's voice grew quieter, "Y/n??"
"I'M COMINGGGGG!" I hung up the phone and began to get ready.

I put on my favourite, pleated skirt

I put on my favourite, pleated skirt

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and a simple black top.

Hair styling had always been easy for me ever since i used to practice on my barbies so it only took me a few minutes maximum to have perfect hair!

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Hair styling had always been easy for me ever since i used to practice on my barbies so it only took me a few minutes maximum to have perfect hair!

Finally, I shoved on a pair of fishnet tights and headed downstairs for breakfast.

On the table, was my favourite breakfast, f/b/f, and my mum sitting on her chair, waiting.
"Morning n/n!" She greeted me with a smile.
"Morning mum, did you make all this for me!"
"Of course sweetie, it's your first day but considering the time I think you better eat quickly."
I glanced at the clock: 8:03
Shit, school starts at 8:30, i'd better be quick just like mum said. I scoffed my f/b/f and grabbed my bag.
I yelled "Bye Mum, love you!" As i rushed out the door.

To my surprise, my two best friends were standing outside on my driveway.
"Fuyuhiko? Peko? What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We came to walk with you y/n, I hope that is ok?" Peko replied politely while Fuyu grabbed me by the hand and dragged me over.
"Come on dumbass, we are gonna be late!"
Fuyuhiko led the way as we walked to our new school.
A school filled with hope.
A school that will set us up for life

Walking through the school gates I read the sign:
Welcome to Hopes Peak!

Author's note: I'm sorry this is so short but i'm trying a new style of fanfic and i haven't written in a while. I hope you enjoyed tho! (632 words) 🏳️‍🌈😽🧋

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