They made it to the top of the reservation at last. By now, it was around nine pm. Luckily due to summer approaching, the sun would set much later, giving everyone more time of day. Korra wanted to show Asami two things that she knew they'd both enjoy.

"You keep taking me into nature for surprises. Are you sure I'm the one who loves it so much?" The taller woman trailed behind the brunette as they walked towards the main area.

"Maybe I do love nature a lot. I probably get it from my parents." 

Asami laughed at the confession. They only had to walk a few more feet before reaching their final destination. At the top of the reservation was a large, mostly open area for people to stay at. There were tiny monuments, many benches, a small gazebo, a stand with a map of the reservation and a long rock ledge to lean on. Surprisingly, and thankfully, they were the only occupants other than a group of three who were at the map stand. It looked like they were getting ready to head back down, so Korra and Asami would soon be alone up there. Props of doing an activity like this on a Friday night.

Korra's eyes lit up at the scenery, and the engineer noticed. "Do you come here often?"

"Honestly, not really."

"I didn't think so, you've never told me about it. When was the last time you were here?"

"Last summer with Bolin, Opal and Kuvira." She found herself hesitate on the last name she announced, not knowing if Asami would enjoy hearing it. If it did bother her, she didn't say anything of it nor did she show any signs.

Instead, the green eyed woman walked over to the rock ledge and leaned her upper body on it, crossing her arms. Korra followed her, standing pretty close with their arms brushing against each other's gently. They didn't speak, simply soaking in the sun setting. It would be nightfall soon, but this was Korra's plan all along.

Korra used this quiet time to think to herself, and that lead to a bit of overthinking.

Why has it been so long since I've last seen her?

Is she mad about what happened my birthday? She doesn't seem upset.

Maybe she just needed time, and I gave that to her. Everything seems pretty fine now.

Am I ever going to get to kiss her again? Or possibly even be wi-

"It's amazing." The statement broke her trance. 

She looked up to the heiress. Her ponytail blew in the soft, spring breeze. The pink and orange painted sky made her pale skin glow and let her green eyes twinkle. 

"The view." Asami basically had to repeat herself to get Korra to actually pay attention. The advertiser soon realized that she was just staring at her friend, which must have been weird for her though she said nothing.

"Oh, um yeah. Yeah it is. My friends and I used to come up here a lot when we first got close. Then it kind of started to die out over time. I almost completely forgot about it." 

"Well I'm glad you didn't. I hardly even knew this place existed."

"Your eyes are really pretty." It slipped. It just slipped from her mouth before she could even process the thought in her own head. Her eyes went wide, quickly looking back at the view to avoid Asami's gaze that was turned to her. 

I know I did not just say that to her.

"Oh, really?" Asami stiffened her posture and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, like she always did when she was nervous. "Um, th- thank you."

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