Chapter 5

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And that's how I am sitting here waiting for Kyle to bless us with his presence. The earlier I want to get done with it the late it got. Every one of us is here except Kyle, even Stephen has ditched him because he was very late which he is. He is twenty minutes late and the expression on Eddy's face says that she is mentally killing Kyle in her head.

"What do you think would Eddy make him face the wall? Or make him underground for a week?" came Tyler's voice in my head and I tried my best not to laugh as this would be hilarious to watch.

"I bet Stephen would support that and twice whatever Eddy would give him."

Before anyone could ask Tyler about what he thinks is funny in this situation the door opened and in came a scene none of us expected to see. Kyle and the kids covered in colors, kids from head to toe while Kyle only at the area which made contact with the two kids he was holding. If I was having difficulty controlling my laugh earlier this made it far worse. I don't think anyone remembered their previous anger, Tyler and Adrian were having the same difficulty as me while Stephen looked embarrassed and probably asking goddess for a different mate. The most comical expression was siblings, Eddy trying to understand this situation while Kyle turning redder than the color on his neck.

"I can explain. I swear I can," Kyle said before anyone could even make up their brain to form anything worth saying.

"I knew I was running late but I get here as in the packhouse only five minutes late. But as I enter, I saw colors everywhere, I mean literally everywhere. It was on the furniture, it was on the floor hell it was even on the ceiling and I don't even know how the hell they managed to do that. And there stood in the middle of the disaster our little angels and a very angry Sandra, I mean I haven't seen her this mad in years..."

"Kyle please make your point now," said Eddy clearly not impressed with Kyle's storytelling ability.

"Yeah, in short, these two are banned from packhouse for a month and I tried to find dad to hand them over to him but after running back and forth to his house to anywhere else he could be...well here I am."

"Kyle, sit down. And Stephen would you please go to my room on the top floor and clean them up. I will make someone bring clean clothes for them," Eddy said, her voice completely calm when she talked to Stephen then turned to two colorful kids, " I want you two to stand in the corner and face the wall till I came there and have a little chat about what happened today. And while you stand there, I want you to keep mum and think about your behavior and no cheating cause I will know if you do."

The two in question just nodded showing more obedience that we know they are capable of and followed out with their father while Kyle stood frozen where he was.

"Is there any problem in understanding the simple task of sitting down?" she asked Kyle daring him to do anything but sit. Any smart person would know that there is no good coming from arguing but we all know Kyle is not very smart. So he opened his mouth to say something but one glare and he put his hands in the air and accepted his defeat and did what he was told to do.

We waited for Stephen to come back which didn't take too long which was a wonder to me thinking about the amount of color he had to clean. Goddess, I didn't know such a situation could also occur with kids and I definitely don't know how to handle them.

"Eddy, before we start this meeting, I would like to tell you that I am a big fan of yours. I mean I have never seen them behave so well. Man, you so far, the best in disciplining these two devils of ours and far better from dad who can be easily manipulated with their puppy eyes," Stephen praised her much to her embarrassment.

"Since everyone is here let's get this meeting over with," another glare at Kyle, "I think everyone here is aware of this meeting of the council that we had to attend with other supernatural..."

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