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I ran through the trees, chasing an annoyingly unseen enemy. I threw a pin far, feeling lucky it would hit the one who's aura I felt around me. Something seemed to change a bit, and when I stopped I passed a body; the person I was chasing. Just a few more and I'll be done. I thought in satisfaction, retrieving the needle that peirced the mans neck deeply.

"You have such good aim my Illu~" I heard a seductive voice behind me and looked up to see none other than a certain clown sitting in a tree, holding three cards in his hand. "What is your business here." I say flatly. "You're no fun~" he fake pouted, "But, I have been assigned to help you with your mission."
I hated how he always sounded like he was flirting, but I pushed it aside and looked at him plainly, "Why would they assign a fucking clown to help me with this." I asked as emotionless as I am.

"Harsh~ but they knew I would be perfect for the job." He got down and stood too close for my liking and whispered into my ear, "Especially because of the special connection we have~" somehow his voice seemed to get more seductive and I turned away.
"Whatever, lets just get going before the rest of them escape and we fail." I said flatly and ran through the trees again to find the others we were targeting. We made it to a very steep slope that I stopped at it, looking down at the forest in hopes of catching sign of a person. Hisoka started sliding down the slope and halfway there I felt my heart skip a beat when he tripped on something, but of course it was just one of his weird tricks and he was safely at the bottom.

What the hell happened. I thought, thinking to how I felt something in my chest as I went down the slope to join the clown. What the hell was I feeling? Was I glad that he tripped? No.. whatever it was I have time to figure it out later, right now I'm doing a job. We started running again and I notice Hisoka giving me his strange flirty glances; so I gave him a glare and kept going. "Someones not in a good mood~" Hisoka called, but I ignored him and keep going.
"Aww, don't be like that my Illu~" I glared at him again and he stopped talking, though still kept looking at me which was getting on my nerves. The sky was dark and we still were following the trail we found but no luck getting closer to them; about three people I assume.

"We should stop looking today and rest to find them tomorrow~" Hisoka gave me a soft glare, waiting for my respons as I carefully paused.
"Okay. But you better get your ass over here before the sun rises or I'm finishing alone." I reply, and he slightly licks his lips and responds, "You know, it would be easier to get up at a good time if we were to stay at the same place~" I felt something in my stomach but ignored it for now. "You should learn to come places on time instead." I said as I turned around.

"Wait~" I stopped and felt his breath on my neck and I sighed, "What is it, Hisoka."
"Could you do a favor~?" I turned around, "And what would that be?" I saw his eyes sparkle as his face was an inch from mine, "Kiss me~♡" he said.
I felt my heart stop in the moments our eyes were locked together, but I soon responded normally. "And whys that?"

His eyes darted from my feet back to my eyes, as if inspecting my body, and so I crossed my arms. "I have some information about one of the men we're chasing, and I think it'll be quite useful~"
I give him a glare, "Why didn't you just tell me earlier?" He smirked and responded in his more seductive tone, which made me supress a shudder, "Like I said, I'd give the information to you for a kiss~♡"

I sighed, "Why do I stay around with you." I muttered.
Hisoka kept his smirk, "Its because of that special connection I mentioned earlier~" I hissed, getting a bit pissed off now, "What the hell do you mean by that? We don't have any time to be wasting with your dumb g-" Hisoka cut me off by placing his surprisingly soft lips onto mine, gently kissing me.
I stood in shock as I got that strange feeling again. He, unfortunaty, noticed something off and smiled, "I heard the strongest one is a powerful Enhancer, so we should take him out first, right?"

"Hm?" I hadn't been paying attention, and Hisoka raised an eyebrow before repeating. I nodded and left.

I rented a motel room for the night and couldn't find sleep, thinking of the kiss Hisoka had surprised me with. I gently touched my lips and soon found the comfort to sleep.
Before I knew it, I was already at the place we are supposed to meet. I spotted him coming up to me and I walked the rest of the way.

"Do you have any more information about the people." I questioned, already knowing what he'd say.
"Maybe~" I kept a strait face and listened to him. "But theres a cost~♡"

"Really? For just saying if you have any information?" I'm a bit pissed at this point. "What's the cost clown."
"One, you'd stop calling me 'Clown', and two," Hisoka smiled, which made my stomach churn. "you kiss me again~♡" I feel my face heat up and keep Hisoka gaze.

"Fine. But we have to get going." I take his wrist and start going, but he stands infront of me. "Not so fast. And don't tell me you don't know why~" my stomach turned, not necessarily in a bad way, and Hisoka leaned in and kissed my lips. I stood still for a moment before going, ignoring Hisokas comment on my slight blush.

I forgot about why he had kissed me, but I didn't really care because we soon tracked down the three remaining men. The clown threw one of his cards and killed the one standing watch.
We jumped down and ambushed the last two; putting up a good fight with one before, eventually, killing him. I looked to see how Hisoka was doing and I felt as if I had been stabbed when I saw he was doing horrible. I jumped in right before he was about to do a big move; knocking him down and with that surprise quickly finishing him off with a few of my needles.

I went over to Hisoka; seeing him laying down on the grass after almost getting finished by a strong apponent making my heart ache, and I wondered why as I looked at his beaten up body and whispered with emotion, "Hisoka.."

I open my eyes to see a plain white ceiling, and for a moment I wondered how I got into a bed. Oh right. Realization came over me as I sighed in relief that I had been dreaming.
Why am I so glad? It's not like I actually like Hisoka enough to be sad.. I thought as I felt the tears on my cheeks from the dream, and turned in the motel bed to look at the ridicules clown across the room.

He must've felt my stare, because he was wide awake as he turned my direction. I shut my eyes. "Morning Illu~♡"

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