"I am so glad" you said and caught a waiter, asking for some pasta.

"What were you reading?" you asked.

"Oh, this?" he said. "It's surviving at the top by Donald Trump"

"Ooh interesting" you said.

"I mean it's good but I don't like how he runs his companies, seeing as he has been bankrupted once" Sinclair said.

"I don't know much about Trump," you said.

"He is slimy" Sinclair said. "and in business that it the easiest way to be"

"And are you?" you asked.

"I like to get to know my clients, spend time with them" he said. "They are paying me vasts amounts of money, they got to trust me"

"I am glad you aren't like Trump then" you said laughing.

"I am glad I am not like Trump either, have you seen his hair?" he put the book back onto the table and you smirked. "Now is that our food?" he asked. "Ahh it is" The two plates were put in front of you and you smiled, staring to eat it. Suddenly Sinclair stopped and stared. He picked his book up and put it to his face. You looked back. A blonde woman was walking with a dark-haired man on the other side of the street. They hadn't noticed you or Sinclair and they soon passed the corner.

"Who was that?" you asked

Sinclair sighed. "That is Natalie, my ex" he muttered. "With her brother, oh of course with him" he hissed. He started to eat his food, annoyed.

You decided not to push further and you ate your pasta, watching him as he calmed down. He seemed tense and you felt bad for him. "Is it good?" you asked. Sinclair looked up, his eyes were slightly red but he smiled. "The food?"

"It's great" he said. "I love this place, has the best pasta and chips"

"Some people say chips don't go with pasta" you murmured.

"Chips go with everything" Sinclair said grinning.

"Amen to that" you said as you took one in your mouth. Sinclair smiled at you as you chuckled. "What?" you asked suddenly. "Oh god have I got something on my face?"

"No" he said and looked down at his plate.

"Thank goodness" you said grinning, taking another one.

"Did you want kids?" he asked suddenly. "With Hillary"

"I did but I don't think Hilary wanted one" you sighed. "They said it would make me fat. But I think now Hilary is having one with their wife"

"I am sorry (y/n), and for the record, you aren't fat" Sinclair said.

"Thanks" you murmured. "But what about you?"

"I wanted kids" he murmured. "I love kids so much, but Natalie wasn't ready and that was fine. She was honest and I respected that. If only she was honest about her and her brother"

"What happened between them?" you asked.

"They had an affair" he said.

"What together?" you asked shocked.

"Unfortunately, yes" he muttered, shovelling another piece of pasta into his mouth.

"I am so sorry Sinclair" you said gently.

Sinclair shrugged. "It shows that I am useless and in the end, people would rather fuck their brother than me" he chuckled.

"I mean I would like to fuck you-" you stopped and went red. Sinclair started to laugh as you spluttered and started to laugh yourself.

"I understand what you mean" Sinclair said laughing. His laugh was so cute and you laughed with him. "You are so funny (y/n)" he said.

"You are too Sinclair" you said, you whipped away a tear and sighed, taking another bite of food.

"Why don't you come to dinner at the weekend?" he asked suddenly. "At where I live in Marlow but I am sure I could pick you up if you wished"

"I would love to accept your invitation" you said grinning. "And then I can over analyze the choices of your interior designer"

Sinclair chuckled. "I can't wait". He checked his watch and sighed. "Well I will love you and leave you" he said and put some money on the table before leaving. "Tell them they can keep the change". You chuckled and watched him go. He was so cute and had such a silly sense of humour.

You ate the rest of your food and paid before leaving. You walked out into the street. The weekend was in the day and you couldn't wait.

Open My Eyes // Sinclair x readerWhere stories live. Discover now