
and closed the files folder. The Forum was open in the background, and I refreshed the page to see what was going on in the World of Walker. I immediately regretted it.
"Uh, Alan? Vi har et problem [We have a problem]"
"Et problem? [A problem?]"
"har du vært på forumet nylig? [Have you been on the forum recently?]"
"Nei [no]"

"jeg trodde ikke. her, les dem [I thought not. Here, read them.]" I handed him the projector and he opened all the posts visible in the community chat, pulling them out so he could see them all.
"Faen! [Fuck!]"
"ja, det kan være lurt å forklare det.[Yeah, you might want to explain that.]" He handed me my screen back, pulling his own from his pocket. I quickly read through the post he had left open.

Alan, #0, I know you won't read this,
but if you do: WHAT THE
COOKIE?! IF I Don't get answers
within a week, then I'm leaving
the community - #1472

Below were several comments like 'Me too' and 'what the hell man, where'd potatocookie go?' I quickly typed a reply in.

It would break my heart, Alan's
heart, T34m474n's hearts, maybe
even Mello's heart to see
Walkers leaving because they
aren't happy with Alan dating
Mello. You shall get your answers.

We pulled up in the driveway of Chris's house and Alan and I slipped the projectors into our pockets, the fabric muffling the hologram and stopping anyone from seeing it. The instant we were inside, though, Alan went straight to the living room and collapsed on the sofa, his fingers flying across the virtual keyboard. I placed my projector on the side in the kitchen, waiting for the post to appear while I cooked dinner for the three of us. The meal had just gone in the oven when I was notified of the new post.

I know you are all confused right
now. I know that you think that I'm
ignoring you. I'm not. I've just
been busy - what with TV
interviews, releasing a new song
and moving in with my boyfriend.
So, here are your answers: Potato
Cookie (Aka me and Vivii Neimi)
was never a thing. We were never
dating. The only person I've ever dated is Mello. Vivii is my cousin,
not my ex. I wanted to take family
on tour with me, but my siblings
were busy with thier jobs, and my
parents (Sorry mom + dad, but it's
true) were too old to be travelling
that much. Vivii agreed to come
with me , and when people
thought we were dating I came
out, and she agreed to fake it with
me, because I was scared what
your reactions would be. I'm sorry
for not telling you before now, but
we weren't ready for that. However,
if you still want to leave the Forum
after this, feel free to contact
T34m474n, their email is on my website. Alan.

"So you saw it?" Alan had walked into the kitchen and taken yet another Red Bull from the fridge.
"Yep. I added post notifications to AV-8. And you seriously need to stop drinking that so much. I'm going to start rationing them." I said, opening the fridge to see how many cans there were.
"Right, those two plus the one in your hand have to last you until Friday. Today is Tuesday. If I find you sneaking more, you're in trouble."
"Come on, man.... anyway, what are you cooking?"
"Some real food, not takeout pizza or McDonald's." He sighed, defeated, and went to find Chris, who was installing cameras at various points where you could get into the garden. I didn't really know why, given that Alan had already requested I install the security feature on 5 other drones that were flying overhead, and would notify me the instant someone entered the property. While I waited for dinner to cook, I found my phone and made a list of new features I had added to AV-8:

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