Doctor & Awkwardness.

Start from the beginning

"Um, yea-yeah. Okay," shaking my head, I take slow and hesitant steps towards him as I feel so shy and awkward around him. It feels so weird to finally have him in front of me after all this time.

His smile warms my heart so much.

When I was standing a few inches away from him, I noticed that I was up to his nose. I may have gotten taller, but he was still taller than me. I didn't know where the living room was or where to go to even step into the nearest room. Looking up at Zayn, we just stared at each other until he gets the message.

"Oh, right. Sorry Val," I flinch at the use of my name coming out of my mouth (well nickname actually). As much as I want it to come out of his mouth over and over again (just to hear that gorgeous British accent), it feels weird and I can't help but feel like it's strange. He looks at me a second before he waved his hand to motion me to follow him.

Slowly, I followed him into a hallway that led to some stairs. We took those stairs down and came into a big room that just looked like an open area when you walk in through the door. He directed me to another room to the right, which turned out to be the living room.

When I entered, I noticed that Zayn looked in deep though and was very tense. His shoulders were stiff and hard, showing off those delicious muscles underneath his shirt. He stood there, next to the couch, with his eyebrows knotted and a hand on his chin, just looking in a certain downwards direction with his other hand by his side.

Just when I was about to ask him if he was okay or if there was anything for me to do to make this situation less awkward (which only I could make this situation more awkward with a question like that), a doorbell rang, telling us somebody was at the door.

"I'll get it," Zayn didn't even glance at me as he passed by me and walked toward the open area we just came from.

I heard some mumbles of talk and voices and a door shut. Squeaks and scruffs of shoes and socks echoed through the bottom floor of the mansion (I assume this is a mansion by the size of it, only saying) before Zayn renters with a man who doesn't look a day over thirty. He wore a nice suit with his light hair done up with a briefcase in hand.

Confused, my eyebrows knot, but before I could even get the chance to speak, he cuts me off. "Vallin, it's good to see you again."

His smile throws me off. Was I suppose to know him? I've never seen this man a day in my life, my brain jumbles up.

"Erm, it's nice to see you too- Again?" I wasn't sure of what to say. I feel like I've met him before, but I can't place a finger on it.

His smile turned confused as he sat down on the couch across from the one Zayn was on. I sat next to him, keeping a bit of distance between us. The man looked back at me again and said, "Zayn tells me that you took quite a fall in the shower, am I correct?" he sets his briefcase down on the coffee table in front of us and opens it. He pulls out doctor tools and I suddenly have these queasy feelings in the pit of my stomach.

I nod my head once and place my elbows on my knees, unsure of what to do with myself at this point. The man laughs and motions me to stand. "Let me do some quick medical tests on you and I'll try to figure out what's wrong."


After doing some different medical tests, I was sitting besides Zayn once again and he wasn't talking to me. I was confused and hurt by this, but if I was in his position, I'd probably be losing my mind in thought.

"Well," Dr. Melbourne, who I had learned was his name, shuts his briefcase and looks towards Zayn and I. "It looks as if Vallin had a simple case of amnesia. Nothing too bad, it will just take a few days, maybe a week or two at the most, to clear this all up. In the mean time, I suggest that you start off slow and take a step at a time. Don't go rushing into things too fast, okay?" he was addressing the both of us.

I had leaned back onto the couch as Zayn was leaning forward on his knees, listening intently in the whole conversation. I zoned out for a bit, just thinking to myself for a whilst. It wasn't until Zayn had touched my upper arm that I was brought back to reality.

"Hungry?" he asked.


Dun, dun, dun! Vallin has amnesia. Which we all know she really doesn't but y'all get the gist. Anyway, comment, vote. Do all that good stuff and I'll talk to y'all later! You guys are remarkable. :)


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