Ice Cream & Wishing Hearts.

Comenzar desde el principio

With a smirk, he crossed his arms at me. "Still in love with Malik, I presume?" arching an eyebrow, he gave me an amused grin that didn't help my traitor cheeks. Jackson, Alex, and Marc knew about my obsession over Zayn and left it alone, only teasing when it felt necessary for them to do so. But Justin, he had only just found out last month. He was usually in his own little world most of the time (like me when I daydream).

"Shut it Justin Bieber." I let out a laugh as his eyes glowered down at me. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he grumbled something about how he hated the celebrity with a burning passion that no one would understand.

"It's Justin Patterson thank you very much," he replied in a grumble. Before I could say anything back to him, Marc, Jackson, and Alex came back with our ice cream cones.

I got handed mine and Justin got handed his. We laughed and carried on as if Justin had never even brought up the topic of Zayn. It brought a smile to my face that these four boys accepted my taste in music. They actually like One Direction for their songs (mostly because they found that they could get girls that way. Just from the songs, they can make great pick-up lines if they're used correctly), and I was happy I had someone to sing them with, even if we were way off key.

I loved them so much for not being like those kids at school who hated me because I liked a "stupid" boy band. So what if I liked them? That was my opinion. It was just too bad that our town just happened to be that town that didn't take notice of their music.

But yet, if they come here and play a concert, it's sold out in twenty minutes flat.

It's all too complicated for me to even try to comprehend.

It's either you like/love them, or you don't. It's as simple as that, yet no one even tries to acknowledge them unless they're actually coming here in person, then the boys get noticed by them. All the people do here just pretend they're fans, get some autographs or something and sell the items on eBay. It's so ridiculous and annoying at the same time. Sometimes I wish that they were just normal and would swoon over the five with Laney and I.

Those would be the days . . .

As the five of us rounded the corner and came onto our street, we had finished our ice cream and were chatting about school tomorrow. Apparently Marissa wasn't the only slacker I know. Marc and Alex were behind on some Chemistry notes and were stressing out because of it.

That's what they get for being lazy, I thought with mischief in my head.

Of course they didn't really deserve it, but it was funny as they rumbled on about their notes and not getting everything down. Me, being a star student, shrugged mercilessly as I waved them goodbye and walked into my house to find peace and quiet.

Starting upstairs and heading for my room, I plopped onto my bed and smiled as the sun set into darkness. The dark brought a sense of happiness to me unlike the sun. I threw off the jeans and replaced them with a pair of short shorts. I just took the sweatshirt off and set it in a chair for tomorrow. Logging onto my laptop, I cuddled into my mass of blankets and felt warmth all over.

I decided to go on and find some new pics of Zayn. Typing in the search bar, I click images, then search. Before I have a chance to breathe, I spot a picture that makes my heart stop. It was of Zayn sticking his tongue out and taking a selfie with a blonde bimbo. She was gorgeous as ever and it made me want to cry. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Of course he's got a girlfriend, I thought bitterly. He's gorgeous, why wouldn't he have a girlfriend?

The thought brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't bare anymore of it. I just had to know. I just had to. I looked them up and found out her name was Perrie (very pretty name by the way), she was in a band like him called Little Mix, and the heartbreaking truth: they have been together a little whilst after Perrie's group won the X Factor.

Tears traced down my cheeks as this all processed slowly in my mind. I didn't want to believe it, but how could I not? It was right there in front of me! I brought my knees up to my chest and let the tears flow. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't. I wanted to scream and cry and throw everything I owned out the window or smash it to pieces because he was taken.

All because he was taken.

I wanted to be happy for him, I really did. But it broke my heart to see the one I loved, the one who had no idea I even existed, be with someone else. I wanted to try and like this Perrie girl, but I couldn't stop wanting to rip her throat out. I hugged myself tighter and cried harder. It should've been me with him, making those stupid faces.

Me, who he was supposed to be kissing.

Me, who should be his girlfriend.

But it wasn't.

It was this blonde, gorgeous girl named Perrie Edwards, who stole the love of my life's heart, and it only made me cry harder and my sobs get louder.

Finally, when I was done with my torture, I shut down my internet and held myself, trying to stop my shivering body from breaking out in sobs. I wrapped the comforter tighter around me and tried to control my breathing. I knew Marissa would come in any second to see this mess I made for myself, but I didn't care. I needed help. I wanted help.

I wanted someone to hold me and comfort me. I wanted to hold onto someone and just cry and cry and cry. I didn't want to feel like this. Especially over someone who doesn't even have knowledge of my existence. It was sad really. Here I am, crying over some celebrity who had a girlfriend (no doubt she loves him back) and a real relationship, and he doesn't even know of me.

Why is life so cruel and unfair?

What did I do to deserve this?

Oh yeah, fall in love with a popstar that I was never meant to be with, that's what.

I turned my head on my knees, not bothering to dry my tears and looked out into the night sky in my window. I didn't see a shooting star like in those cheesy books or movies . . . But, I did see a twinkling star. Sucking in my breath, I looked right at the star desperately and closed my eyes tight.

"I wish I may, I wish I might. I wish upon the first star I see tonight . . ."

And for the first time in forever, I made a wish on a star hoping, that with all my heart, for it to come true.


So, that's the end of this now. Next chapter will get steamy and dirty ;P But will be shocking and maybe even a bit funny. Depends, but anyway . . . I don't hate Perrie, but I just have to do it so that it fits into the story. Vote if you liked it, comment if you didn't (or do both if you want). Hope for next chapter and just wait!


Forever, Yours. ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora