|24| Someone like her

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Fayth shook her head at how prejudice this Academy was being.

According to her personality, Fayth was never an observant person.
But she likes to read people with her knowledge. So when her stare went to the three students ahead of her table. She couldn't help but smile at them. A girl in between two boys. They all looked cozy with each other. But anyone from ten miles away can sense that there was a love triangle in between them.

Fayth watched more curiously when the girl turned around to the left guy, declaring that she indeed was interested in him but the guy did not look up toward her.

Fayth shook her head at his ignorant behavior and looked away, then looked down at her half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich. Third sandwich to be exact. Thinking, should she eat it or not? She was full! but then her mind drifts toward the people who can't afford to eat. And instantly decided to devour the taste of cheese.

But before she can taste the slice of life, a masculine voice interrupts.

"He will lose her with this behavior of his."

Fayth looked to her right, toward the voice, bewildered. But got relaxed when mop of a red hair comes in front of her and her pair of eyes collided with a light green.

Valerio Cart.

Her partner in the history. Both had met each other this morning. When the teacher thought it would be good to pair her up with him. Both of them had a high level of IQ- the reason was clear to Fayth.

At first, she felt total irritation toward him. He stayed silent. Like total mute.
But then, they both clicked,
When she had accidentally read few words from his book. Which were, 'If this excuse of teacher one more time says that William Shakespeare is born on 1565- instead of 1564, I'll castrate his balls!'

At first Fayths' eyes widened but then she cracked up because she was having small tolerance over the exact matter.

After that- fayth took back her words about him being quiet because it was the opposite. He would not shut up.

Fayth narrowed her eyes when she felt her sandwich being abducted.
"Yes Valerio, you can have my sandwich" her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Aww, you're so sweet." Came his reply as sarcastic as her.

Fayth sighs and opens her water bottle. "And what do you mean by losing her? Who?"

Carter inclined his head toward the love triangle, Making fayth do the same, her eyes went toward the love triangle bench.

"He likes her but is too egoistic to accept, what a waste of feelings," Valerio says with his mouth full of sandwich and cheese dripping.

Fayth tried to ignore the gruesome scene and nodded. "I can't understand why people do that?"

After few moments of him swallowing the meal, he asked. "What? Have feeling?"

Fayth rolled her eyes scoffed. "No you dumbo. About waiting for another person to start something. They wait. They wait for other people to start something. And many feelings die just because of that. Why can't they just say it? What is wrong with saying that you like someone first!?"

Valerio made an 'ohh' expression and added his thoughts on the matter.
"I know right! Humans and their confusing behavior."

Fayth looked at him with an amusing smile. "You're also human, Valerio."

Valerio shook his head making his red curls bounce.
"Don't make me remember that, Fayth. I sometimes feel disgusted toward my own kind! And I like to think that I'm a unicorn, a pretty unicorn."

Scarlet Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora