With a hand behind Dominic's back and the other holding onto his hand ensuring it doesn't slip away, Marcel and I support Dominic to the all black limo. The windows are tinted black, allowing no outsider to see through them.

Marcel helps Dominic inside the back of the limo, I follow through behind him and take a seat next to Dominic, laying his head on my lap. My fingers rest in his brown, sticky hair. Marcel jumps to the driver's seat and soon the vehicle begins to move.

"Take us to the hospital" I suggest to Marcel, though he doesn't respond. At my words, Dominic's eyes crack open wide, he shakes his head vigorously before managing to spit out one word, "home".

"Ms, we can't take him to the hospital. He'll explain later" Marcel finally announces from the window connecting the back of the limo to the driver's seat. I furrow my eyebrows as I look down at Dominic, his eyes hold desperation and certainty. I push the confused thoughts out of my head and focus primarily on him.

We sit in silence, apart from the cluttering against the windows as we speed through the wet streets, suggesting the rain beginning once again.

Dominic had passed out on my lap again, I stare down at him through my blurry vision, examining his appearance. At this point, my eyes can't stop the tears from flowing out and I can barely draw breath anymore.

His skin had turned black and blue from the numerous bruises plastered all over his body, open cuts gush out with blood all over his face, dripping down and onto my dress. His lip is swollen to about twice it's regular size, it too is busted and bleeding in multiple places. His expensive suit has rips and tears all over it. That's when I look down at his stomach and see it covered in blood.

It's hard to notice through the black fabric but there is an unbelievable amount of blood compared to the rest of his body so I lean over and place my finger at the top of his black button up shirt, proceeding to rip it open.

My eyes widen as I feel myself choke on my breaths even more. I lean over his body and wrap my arms around him, hugging him gently.

He has multiple stab wounds over his stomach, they are all still bleeding and my once clean, pink dress is now dyed a distinct shade of red.

I feel as his weak arms wrap around my frame while still embracing him, my tears flowing off my cheeks and onto his. I pull my face back and away from his and I glance down at him, he smiles faintly while his glossy eyes remain open. A single tear drop falling from the corner of his eye down his face to connect with the side of his hair.

My eyes fall to his deep green, foresty eyes as he looks into mine with the same intensity. All my surroundings disappear and all I see is Dominic. His shade of green burning into my mind like a tattoo for me to remember forever. And I love it.

We are broken from our 'staring contest' when the limo stops and Marcel aggressively opens the door. He lifts Dominic out and guides him into the house while I stay seated in the back of the limo, the past few minutes just repeating in my mind over and over again.

I snap out of my thoughts and jump out of the car while looking down at my watch. It's 3:18am, meaning I've been in the limo for much longer than I thought. In front of me stood a large modern house, it's completely black with tinted windows. No doubt it belongs to Dominic.

I open the door hurriedly and run through them. Kyle and Carter stand in front of me speaking to a woman in a lab coat. I run up to them and eavesdrop on parts of their conversation.

"You need to figure out what happened..... he's lucky he was found when he was...... he's going to be okay".

I let out a breath of relief at that last part. And walk towards the first room I see. The door is closed but I slowly turn the handle and open it slightly.

I peek inside to see Dominic asleep on a bed with a beeping monitor next to him. I turn around to close the door before I hear a small, yet still strong, "Hope". I stop in my track and shut my eyes tightly in frustration before turning around, ignoring the butterflies awakening in my stomach.

I let out a small smile when I see Dominic looking at me. I walk towards him and sit at the end of the bed. "How are you?" I whisper, mentally slapping my forehead at the dumb question as I look at Dominic who releases a chuckle.

"Better than I look" he happily replies. I feel myself unable to stare away from his eyes, I open my mouth to ask him what happened before realising that I still don't have my phone.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I ask him quietly as he glances at me with a confused expression and nods. He reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs his phone, he extends his arm towards me, passing me his phone.

I look down at the Lock Screen, it's a picture of Carter, Kyle, Cole, and him standing in front of a matte black Lamborghini while he holds a small black Labrador puppy. My heart melts at the image and I remember he has a password. I lean over to pass his phone back to him but he simply looks at it before raising his eyes back up at me.

"Omertá" he says out loud.

I wasn't expecting him to actually tell me the password, my heart flutters at the thought that he trusts me enough to tell me. I smile at him before typing in the words and opening his phone, I press on the messages app and open the chat with myself in order to call my own phone.

My heart stops fluttering and begins to sinks instead.

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