Straving and broken hearts

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DISCLAIMER- This chapter has an eating disoder and self harm so if this triggers you please please do not read if you ever want to talk know that i'm ALWAYS here anyways on with the chapter.


I stared blankly down at my phone physically shocked at what I read on my phone.

"Austin.... Alex's in the hospital... Someone from the beach saw him on the ground and they tried to get him to respond,but he didn't please come to the hospital -Isabelle"

I quickly grabbed an overnight bag, but than rethought what I was about to do and I put it back in my closet and deleted the text. I scoffed 'it's probably a concussion' he'll be fine I thought to myself I sat on my bed and turned on the T.V and played GTA 5.

Tyler's POV

I sat there looking at Alex's limp body constantly looking at my phone to light up with a text from Austin wanting to know what room, what hospital, but all I heard was the soft sobs of Isabelle and Zach and Roberts feet shuffling across the white squeaky floor and the faint noise of the heart monitor. I walked of to Alex's hospital bed and looked at him Alex wasn't Alex his skin was white like deadly white... I reached down and grabbed his hand it was cold and lifeless

Robert's POV

I walked out of the room gently holding Isabelle in my arms as I take her to her sister so they can go home. I make sure she's ok with her sister and I whisper in her ear as I hug her 'he's strong he'll be ok' I slowly come out of her embrace I wave goodbye as she exits the hospital and sigh I nonchalantly walk back to Alex's room until Zach runs to me almost out of breathe ' R-Robert C-Come Q-Quick! We run back to Alex's room only to find a dreadful sight we stood there and watched as Tyler kissed Alex and then fell to the floor saying 'I could've helped him I could've been there for him '
He started to sob.

Zach's POV

I walked up beside Tyler and picked him up and walked to a chair and cradled him in my arms soon Tyler was asleep Robert told me to come closer to Alex's bed I gently put Tyler down in the chair careful not to wake him I slowly walked over to the bed Robert pulled back the blanket we were both shocked at what we saw his arms covered with cuts and bruises he's body undernourished like he hadn't eaten for awhile I softly cried as I had a flashback


Until next Time....
Comment ..........
What do think the flashback is about......

Much love xx

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