8. || half a girl

Start from the beginning

"He really can't play" I say hoping it would help but knowing coach it won't.

"I'm not following" Coach says obviously having to be difficult, I knew this was a useless idea he should've just pretended to be sick.

"I'm having some personal issues" Scott says, I nod agreeing with Scott's statement which technique isn't wrong, but I know coach won't care, well not enough to stop him from playing in the game.

"Is it a girl?" Coach asks trying to understand his player.

"No" Scott says shaking his head to emphasis it's not about a girl.

"Is it a guy? You know, our goalie Danny's gay" Coach says causing me to smile, I could imagine Scott being gay.

"Yeah, I know, Coach. But that's not it" Scott replies not wanting to get into the subject.

"You don't think Danny's a good-looking guy?" Coach asks causing me to chuckle.

"Yeah, Scott. What do you think" I say teasing my frustrated twin even more, I try my best to hold back my laughter, but it doesn't work, Scott just glares at me.

"I think he's good-looking. But I like girls. And that's not it, anyway! I... I..." Scott stammers not knowing what to say, I laugh even more.

"What? Is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Cause I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth. They were all cracked and rotted. It was... It was disgusting" Coach says causing me to gag at the thought of it, he always has to go off subject like where did that even come from.

"Eww, don't make me throw up my breakfast" I say paling slightly a thought of his teeth.

"Oh, my god. What happened to him?" Scott asks like the nice and caring person he is complete opposite to me.

"He got veneers. Is that what this is about? Are you afraid of getting hurt, McCall?" Coach says looking at Scott bewildered.

"No. I'm having some issues dealing with aggression" Scott says, I want to slap my head that is never going to end well with coach he's just given him another reason to put him on.

"Well, here's the good news. That's why you play lacrosse. Problem solved" coach says wanting this conversation to be over just as much as the rest of us do.

"Coach, I can't play the game tomorrow tonight" Scott says with a sigh, not wanting to disappoint anyone but it's becoming impossible.

"Listen, McCall. Part of playing first line is taking on the responsibility of being first line. Now, if you can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're on the bench until you're ready. And you, talk some sense into him like a team captain would" coach says pointing his finger at me aggressively.

"If I don't play the game, you're taking me off first line?" Scott says stunned, I knew this conversation wasn't going to end well and look surprise, surprise I'm right.

"McCall, play the game" Coach says before turning to me "And don't you dare think about not playing the game otherwise we will definitely loose with Jackson's arm" Coach says sternly before walking out of his office leaving us stood there like idiots.

Scott and I eventually leave coach's office knowing this day is just going to be shit nothing has gone right so far and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better especially when both of our phone's ping with a message from our mom saying, 'Got the night off! Coming to see my twins play! So excited!!'

Making things even more stressful and worse, if anything goes wrong, I do not want my mom there to get hurt or to see Scott in that way and now if he doesn't play, she will be disappointed and annoyed as she took time off to see him. I let out a sigh running my hands through my hair, I look at the time on my phone realising that I'm going to be late to French if I don't hurry up.

INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martinWhere stories live. Discover now